ios - 从自定义 UIViewController 导航到 TabBarController 没有 segue

标签 ios swift uiviewcontroller uitabbarcontroller

当我从自定义 UIViewController 导航到 TabBarController 的第二个选项卡时,我遇到了问题,这当然是另一个 UIViewController。 如果我从 AdminPanel 导航到 Products 不会崩溃,因为我有一个从 Products 到 AdminPanel 的 push。但是从 AdminPanel 到 Cart 我没有任何 push


enter image description here

这是错误:“无法将‘MyAppName.AdminPanelViewController’ (0x10e878418) 类型的值转换为‘MyAppName.ProductsViewController’ (0x10e877e00)。”


enter image description here


    class ProductsViewController: UIViewController{

var selectedProductsArray = [Product]()
    var priceForSelectedProductsArray = [Float]()

       // Func which is using GestureRecognition to access the Admin Panel when we press on User Avatar
        func accessToAdminPanel(){

            let tapGesture = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(ProductsViewController.adminImageTapped(gesture:)))


        // Function to open the AdminPanelViewController
        @objc func adminImageTapped(gesture: UIGestureRecognizer) {

            let storyBoard : UIStoryboard = UIStoryboard(name: Constants.nameOfMainSB, bundle:nil)
            let adminPanelVC = storyBoard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: Constants.adminPanelStoryboard) as! AdminPanelViewController
            self.navigationController?.pushViewController(adminPanelVC, animated: true)


        // Func which will add the product into an array of products when the user press Add To Cart
        func didTapAddToCart(_ cell: ProductTableViewCell) {
            let indexPath = self.productsTableView.indexPath(for: cell)

            addProduct(at: indexPath!)
            selectedProductsArray.append(productsArray[(indexPath?.row)!]) // Append products for cart
            priceForSelectedProductsArray.append(productsArray[(indexPath?.row)!].price) // Append prices for selected products


    // CART VC
    class CartViewController: UIViewController {

 var productsInCartArray = [Product]()
    var productPricesArray = [Float]()

     // Append the selectedProducts into productsInCartArray using the TabBarController
        func fetchSelectedProducts() {

    // ------------------HERE IS CRASHING AT THIS LINE -----------------------
            productsInCartArray = ((self.tabBarController?.viewControllers![0] as! UINavigationController).topViewController as! ProductsViewController).selectedProductsArray
            productPricesArray = ((self.tabBarController?.viewControllers![0] as! UINavigationController).topViewController as! ProductsViewController).priceForSelectedProductsArray
            totalSum = productPricesArray.reduce(0, +)


如果您无法弄清楚这部分代码是哪里崩溃了,我可以给您 git 源代码的链接,因为我没有什么可隐藏的。



topViewController 现在是 admin 而不是 products 所以你需要在索引 0 处获取 VC,它是 products

productsInCartArray = ((self.tabBarController?.viewControllers![0] as! UINavigationController).viewControllers[0] as! ProductsViewController).selectedProductsArray

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