swift - Xcode:将对象与 View Controller 边距对齐

标签 swift xcode storyboard

我开始在 Apple 指南的帮助下学习 Swift:https://itunes.apple.com/it/book/app-development-with-swift/id1219117996?mt=11


我在 398 页面:“指导项目:性格测验”。

最初我必须在 View Controller 的所有角落放置 4 个标签。

enter image description here


“To hold your emoji in their respective corners on all screen sizes, you'll need to add two constraints to each label. Begin by selecting the top-left label and clicking the Add New Constraints button. Enable the top and leading constraints and set them both to 0 pixels, ensuring there's no space between the edges of the label and the margins of the view. By default, the top of a view has a 20-pixel margin, and the left and right sides have 16 pixels of margin. So when you enter 0 pixels, you're actually telling the label to position itself 20 pixels from the top and 16 pixels from the left edge of the view. Add these two constraints”


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这就是结果。标签与安全区域对齐,而不是与 View 边缘对齐。 enter image description here enter image description here


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我将其描述为 Xcode 中的一个错误。您要求提供与 margin 相关的约束,但没有得到。这可不太好!

之后您只需编辑约束即可。在最终的屏幕截图中,双击约束。使用弹出菜单将安全区域约束更改为 super View 约束。然后再次从菜单中选择以选中相对于 margin 。那么您可能必须修复常量值。对其他约束也这样做。

要么一开始就不要使用约束弹出框。相反,通过从按钮中按住 Control 键拖动并使用出现的 HUD 来绘制约束。按住 HUD 中的选项以获得 super View 边距限制。


enter image description here


关于swift - Xcode:将对象与 View Controller 边距对齐,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51907531/


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