swift - 如何对在 Swift 中调用的私有(private)方法进行单元测试

标签 swift xcode unit-testing uiviewcontroller xctest

我有一个 ViewController 类,它提供了一系列有两种选择的弹出 View 。每两个选择弹出 View 都是不同的。

Popup1 - Choice1 -> Choice1Popup

Popup1 - Choice2 -> Choice2Popup

我希望呈现 Popup1 的方法是公开的,但我希望呈现 Choice1Popup 和 Choice2Popup 的其他方法是私有(private)的。

如果我决定我需要测试 Choice1Popup 和 Choice2Popup,那么我可能必须将它们设为内部而不是私有(private),但它们不太可能在任何其他地方使用。

我想编写一个单元测试来测试在触摸 Choice1 的按钮时调用显示 Choice1Popup 的方法。我使用了一个带有方法类型变量的协议(protocol)来允许模拟注入(inject)弹出演示者的模拟版本。我对我的方法不是 100% 满意,所以我想就是否有更好的方法征求意见。



// protocol to be used by both UserChoices class and UserChoicesMock for method injection
protocol UserChoicesPrivateUnitTesting {
    static var choice1Method:(UIViewController) -> Void { get set }
    static var choice2Method:(UIViewController) -> Void { get set }

// this popup that will be presented with a public method
public class ChoiceViewController:UIViewController {

    @IBOutlet weak var titleLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var subjectLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var choice1Button: UIButton!
    @IBOutlet weak var choice2Button: UIButton!

     var choice1Action:(() -> Void)?
     var choice2Action:(() -> Void)?

    //    ...

public class UserChoices: UIViewController, UserChoicesPrivateUnitTesting {
    static var choice1Method: (UIViewController) -> Void = choice1
    static var choice2Method: (UIViewController) -> Void = choice2

    private static func choice1(onTopViewController: UIViewController) {
    //present choice1Popup

    private static func choice2(onTopViewController: UIViewController) {
    //present choice2Popup

    public static func presentChoiceViewController(onTopViewController: UIViewController, ChoiceViewController: ChoiceViewController = ChoiceViewController.instantiateFromAppStoryBoard(appStoryBoard: .MenuStoryboard)) {
        let isCustomAnimated = true
    //        ChoiceViewController.transitioningDelegate = transitionDelegate

        ChoiceViewController.choice1Action = { [weak onTopViewController]() in
            guard let weakSelf = onTopViewController else {
            weakSelf.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil)

        ChoiceViewController.choice2Action = { [weak onTopViewController]() in
            guard let weakSelf = onTopViewController else {
            weakSelf.dismiss(animated: false, completion: nil)
        onTopViewController.present(ChoiceViewController, animated: isCustomAnimated, completion: nil)

import XCTest
@testable import ChoiceModule

public class UserChoicesMock:UserChoicesPrivateUnitTesting {
    static public var choice1Method: (UIViewController) -> Void = choice1
    static public var choice2Method: (UIViewController) -> Void = choice2
    static var choice1MethodCalled = false
    static var choice2MethodCalled = false

    static func choice1(onTopViewController: UIViewController) {
        choice1MethodCalled = true

    static func choice2(onTopViewController: UIViewController) {
        choice2MethodCalled = true

class UserChoicesTests: XCTestCase {

    func testChoice1CallsPrivateChoice1Method() {
        // This is an example of a functional test case.
        let vc = UIViewController()
        let choiceViewController = ChoiceViewController.instantiateFromAppStoryBoard(appStoryBoard: .MenuStoryboard)

        UserChoices.choice1Method = UserChoicesMock.choice1Method

        UserChoices.presentChoiceViewController(onTopViewController: vc, ChoiceViewController: choiceViewController)

        choiceViewController.choice1Button.sendActions(for: .touchUpInside)

        if UserChoicesMock.choice1MethodCalled == false {
            XCTFail("choice1Method not called")


测试无法访问任何声明为 private 的内容。只要测试代码执行 @testable import,他们就可以访问声明为 internal 的任何内容。


  • 是否有另一种类型试图逃脱?
  • 是否有另一种协议(protocol)来表达接口(interface)的子集?这可以被其余的生产代码使用。
  • 或者它可能就像一个家庭影院放大器,其中“您并不经常需要的控件”隐藏在面板后面。不要担心。

关于swift - 如何对在 Swift 中调用的私有(private)方法进行单元测试,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54084767/


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