ios - 是否可以将坐标数组保存到 firebase?

标签 ios arrays swift firebase

我有一组经纬度坐标,我想将其保存到 firebase。我知道有 a normal我可以使用的方式。但我想知道如何保存整个阵列。


(1.323, 2.334),(6.323, 7.334),(0.323, 65.334),(43.323, 32.334)...



let databaseRef = Database.database().reference()
let coordinatesRef = databaseRef.child("path/to/coordinates")

func save(coordinates: [(Double, Double)], completion: @escaping (Error?) -> ()) {
    coordinatesRef.setValue( { [$0, $1] }) { completion($0) }

save(coordinates: [
    (1.323, 2.334),
    (6.323, 7.334),
    (0.323, 65.334),
    (43.323, 32.334)
]) { error in
    if let error = error {
        print("❌ Saving coordinates to Firebase failed", error)
    } else {
        print("🔥 Saving coordinates to Firebase succeeded")

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