Swift:在 Mac 上检索文件图标时出现问题

标签 swift macos


// menuItem.Title: display name for file/folder
// menuItem.Content: full path of file/url

let menuItem = NSMenuItem(title: item.Title, action: #selector(AppDelegate.openLocal(_:)), keyEquivalent: "")

let requiredAttributes = [URLResourceKey.effectiveIconKey]

if let enumerator = FileManager.default.enumerator(at: URL(fileURLWithPath: item.Content), includingPropertiesForKeys: requiredAttributes, options: [.skipsHiddenFiles, .skipsPackageDescendants, .skipsSubdirectoryDescendants], errorHandler: nil) {

    while let url = enumerator.nextObject() as? URL {

        do {
            let properties = try  (url as NSURL).resourceValues(forKeys: requiredAttributes)

            let icon = properties[URLResourceKey.effectiveIconKey] as? NSImage  ?? NSImage()
            menuItem.image = icon

        catch {





static func getIconForUrl(_ path: String) -> NSImage?
    return NSWorkspace.shared.icon(forFile: path)

关于Swift:在 Mac 上检索文件图标时出现问题,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56785776/


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