ios - Swift 是否有唯一无序值集合的概念?

标签 ios swift

我有两个电话号码集合,我想比较它们是否匹配。在其他语言中,我会循环遍历一个集合,将其添加到需要唯一性的集合 var 类型中,循环遍历另一个集合并检查匹配项,例如:

var phones = ["1","2","3"]
var phones2 = ["2","5","6"]
var uniqueCollection: Set = Set()
for var i = 0; i < phones.count; i++ {
    if (uniqueCollection.containsKey(phones[i]) == false){
var anyMatch = false
for var j = 0; j < phones2.count; j++{
    if uniqueCollection.containsKey(phones2[j]) {
        anyMatch = true

到目前为止,我还没有找到任何方法来做到这一点,因为 Swift map 似乎是一种转换,字典需要一个值来与键一起使用,并且没有明确的“containsKey()”类型函数,并且似乎没有像“哈希表”这样的另一个集合,它有一种方法可以查看其中是否有 var。


func checkMultisAnyMatch(personMultis: [[AnyObject]], parseMultis: [[AnyObject]]) -> Bool{
    //Put all the phone #'s or emails for the person into an Array
    //Put all the phone #'s or emails for the PF contact into an array
    //Loop through the phones in the parseContact
    //if any match, break the loop, and set anyPhoneMatch = true
    var anyMatch = false
    for var i = 0; i < personMultis.count; i++ {
        //order is Id, label, value, type
        //that means it's in the 3rd column, or #2 subscript
        var personMulti:AnyObject? = personMultis[i][2]
        if (personMulti != nil) {
            for var j = 0; j < parseMultis.count; j++ {
                //order is Id, label, value, type
                var parseMulti:AnyObject? = parseMultis[j][2]
                if parseMulti != nil {
                    if parseMulti! as NSString == personMulti! as NSString {
                        anyMatch = true
                    }//if 4
                }//if 3
            }//for 2
    return anyMatch


NSSet 适合你吗?

func intersectsSet(_ otherSet: NSSet) -> Bool
返回一个 bool 值,指示接收集中的至少一个对象是否也存在于另一个给定集中。

您可以从 NSArray 创建一个 NSSet

var set1 = NSSet(array:["number1", "number2", "number3"])
var set2 = NSSet(array:["number4", "number2", "number5"])
var set3 = NSSet(array:["number4", "number5", "number6"])

let contains1 = set1.intersectsSet(set2) // true
let contains2 = set1.intersectsSet(set3) // false

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