ios - 了解 HKSourceQuery 或一般来源的结果

标签 ios swift health-monitoring healthkit hkhealthstore

我刚刚做了一个 HKSourceQuery 并得到了一些结果。当我做println时在结果中,我得到了这个:<HKSource:0x156c1520 "Health" (>//description of the object

我如何使用它来使用 HKQuery.predicateForObjectsFromSource(/* source goes here */) 来创建谓词


这是 Obj-c 中的示例代码,

NSSortDescriptor *timeSortDesriptor = [[NSSortDescriptor alloc] initWithKey:HKSampleSortIdentifierEndDate ascending:NO];

        HKQuantityType *quantityType = [HKQuantityType quantityTypeForIdentifier:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierActiveEnergyBurned];
        HKSourceQuery *sourceQuery = [[HKSourceQuery alloc] initWithSampleType:quantityType samplePredicate:nil completionHandler:^(HKSourceQuery *query, NSSet *sources, NSError *error) {

            //Here, sources is a set of all the HKSource objects available for "quantityTypeForIdentifier:HKQuantityTypeIdentifierActiveEnergyBurned"

            HKSource *targetedSource = [[sources allObjects] firstObject];//Assume this as your targeted source
                NSPredicate *sourcePredicate = [HKQuery predicateForObjectsFromSource:targetedSource];
                HKSampleQuery *query = [[HKSampleQuery alloc] initWithSampleType:quantityType predicate:sourcePredicate limit:HKObjectQueryNoLimit sortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:timeSortDesriptor] resultsHandler:^(HKSampleQuery *query, NSArray *results, NSError *error) {
                   //results array contains the HKSampleSample objects, whose source is "targetedSource".
                [self.healthStore executeQuery:query];
        [self.healthStore executeQuery:sourceQuery];


  1. 无法构造HKSource使用 [HKSource alloc] init] 手动对象。在 HealthKit 框架中,Apple 使用 init 限制对象的创建对于大多数香港类(class)。
  2. 我相信您一定能找到您的HKSource来自 sources 的对象使用 HKSource 设置属性如 namebundleIdentifier .


    NSPredicate *predicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"SELF.source.bundleIdentifier = 'com.XXXX.XXXXX'"];
    NSArray  *tempResults = [[sources allObjects] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:predicate];

    HKSource *targetedSource = [tempResults firstObject];

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