jQuery 1.7.1 : length function not working to get table tr count

标签 jquery html jquery-selectors

当我们升级到 jQuery 1.7.1 时,这段代码停止工作。 $('table.className > tr').length 返回 0。你能告诉我如何更正它吗?

.NET 代码(执行 jQuery 代码):

public static long GetTableRowCountByCssClass(IWebDriver driver, string cssClass, int exclusionRowCount)
    IJavaScriptExecutor js = driver as IJavaScriptExecutor;
    long count = (long)js.ExecuteScript("return $('table." + cssClass + " > tr').length");
    if (count != 0)
        count = count - exclusionRowCount;
    return count;


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<table class="cart" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">

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            <th class="totals">Total</th>

            <td id="subtotal" class="order_summary_label" colspan="6" >Sub Total: </td>
            <td id="subtotal_number" class="order_summary_value">$124.89</td>
            <td id="cart-total-label" class="order_summary_label" colspan="6" >Total: </td>
            <td id="cart-total" class="order_summary_value"><strong>$124.89</strong></td>


        <tr class="alt">

            <td class="remove">
                <input class="checkIt" type="checkbox" name="remove[variation][208]" id="remove_208_variation" value="0"  />

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            <a href="/product/water-gel" title="Water Gel - Magic Slush Powder - Water Gel 100 gram Jar">
            <img src="/img/cache/product/WSPA_500_140_64.jpg" alt="Water Gel - Magic Slush Powder - Water Gel 100 gram Jar" />

                <a href="/staging/product/water-gel" title="Water Gel - Magic Slush Powder - Water Gel 100 gram Jar" class="clean">
                    Water Gel - Magic Slush Powder - Water Gel 100 gram Jar                                                     

            <td class="ships_w">

            <td class="price">$6.99</td>

            <td class="discount">

            <td class="quantity">
                <input type="text" class="quantity_box quantity" name="quantities[variation][208]" id="quantity_variation_208" value="5" maxlength="4" />

            <td class="totals"><strong>$34.95</strong></td>


        <tr >

            <td class="remove">
                <input class="checkIt" type="checkbox" name="remove[variation][1118]" id="remove_1118_variation" value="0"  />

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            <div class="imgThmb">
            <a href="/product/flying-film-canisters" title="Flying Film Canisters Kit - Flying Film Canisters Activity Kit">
            <img src="/img/cache/product/film_canister_launcher_2011011240_64.jpg" alt="Flying Film Canisters Kit - Flying Film Canisters Activity Kit" />

            <a href="/product/flying-film-canisters" title="Flying Film Canisters Kit - Flying Film Canisters Activity Kit" class="clean">
            Flying Film Canisters Kit - Flying Film Canisters Activity Kit                                                      

            <td class="ships_w">

            <td class="price">$14.99</td>

            <td class="discount">

            <td class="quantity">
                <input type="text" class="quantity_box quantity" name="quantities[variation][1118]" id="quantity_variation_1118" value="6" maxlength="4" />

            <td class="totals"><strong>$89.94</strong></td>





问题是 tr 不是,也不可能是 table 的直接子级元素。它是 tbody 元素的子元素,如果页面作者未将其放置在 table 中,浏览器会自动将其放置在该元素中。

如果你尝试,而不是:$('table.className > tbody > tr').length 它应该工作。

关于jQuery 1.7.1 : length function not working to get table tr count,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9846330/


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