html - 在 AngularJS 中禁用下拉列表时如何使背景颜色变为灰色

标签 html angularjs

I have a dropdownlist when a value is selected and a button is clicked it's get disabled fine but the background-color is not grey like textboxes, I need to make the background-color grey of a dropdownlist when it is disabled in AngularJS . JS

<select class="categories"  ng-model="Model.CurrentDowntime.CategoryId" ng-options="downtimeCategory.CategoryId as downtimeCategory.CategoryName for downtimeCategory in Model.DowntimeCategories" ng-disabled="Model.CurrentDowntime.EventId !== undefined" required="" >
<option value="">-------------------SELECT-----------------</option>


在你的 CSS 中:

select[disabled] {
   background-color: #CCC;  //use your prefered color here

关于html - 在 AngularJS 中禁用下拉列表时如何使背景颜色变为灰色,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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