html - 为什么我的 Material AngularJS (CSS) 无法像所提供的演示那样工作?

标签 html css angularjs material-design angular-material

我是 AngularJS 世界的新手。但是,我希望实现 material design version of AngularJS用于创建表单。

所以我按照入门说明尝试做一些事情,但它看起来不像网站上的那个。所以,我复制了一个 basic demo from Codepen

我想我已经添加了所有必要的文件。 但我仍然无法在 Codepen 上让它看起来像那样。 我很确定它存在一些 CSS 问题,但我无法对此置之不理。


  .controller('DemoCtrl', function($scope) {
    $scope.user = {
      title: 'Developer',
      email: '',
      firstName: '',
      lastName: '',
      company: 'Google',
      address: '1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy',
      city: 'Mountain View',
      state: 'CA',
      biography: 'Loves kittens, snowboarding, and can type at 130 WPM.\n\nAnd rumor has it she bouldered up Castle Craig!',
      postalCode: '94043'
  .config(function($mdThemingProvider) {

    // Configure a dark theme with primary foreground yellow

    $mdThemingProvider.theme('docs-dark', 'default')

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<div ng-controller="DemoCtrl" layout="column" class="inputdemoBasicUsage" ng-app="MyApp">

  <md-content md-theme="docs-dark" layout-padding="" layout="row" layout-sm="column">
      <input ng-model="user.title">
      <input ng-model="" type="email">

  <md-content layout-padding="">
    <form name="userForm">

      <div layout="" layout-sm="column">
        <md-input-container style="width:80%">
          <label>Company (Disabled)</label>
          <input ng-model="" disabled="">

        <md-input-container flex="">
          <label>Submission Date</label>
          <input type="date" ng-model="user.submissionDate">

      <div layout="" layout-sm="column">
        <md-input-container flex="">
          <label>First name</label>
          <input ng-model="user.firstName">
        <md-input-container flex="">
          <label>Last Name</label>
          <input ng-model="theMax">

      <md-input-container flex="">
        <input ng-model="user.address">
      <md-input-container md-no-float="">
        <input ng-model="user.address2" placeholder="Address 2">

      <div layout="" layout-sm="column">
        <md-input-container flex="">
          <input ng-model="">
        <md-input-container flex="">
          <input ng-model="user.state">
        <md-input-container flex="">
          <label>Postal Code</label>
          <input ng-model="user.postalCode">

      <md-input-container flex="">
        <textarea ng-model="user.biography" columns="1" md-maxlength="150"></textarea>





您需要将依赖项注入(inject)您的应用程序,例如 .module('MyApp', ['ngMaterial']),并确保 ngMaterial 的 js 已加载到您的 index.html 中。只需在代码笔中重写“.module('MyApp', ['ngMaterial'])”似乎就可以了

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