javascript - 填充从 jquery 上的选定多个选项中隐藏的输入类型

标签 javascript jquery html


<input class="emailSend" name="emailSend" type="hidden">


<div class="controls">
      <select id="email" multiple data-rel="chosen" class="input-xlarge" name="email[]">
              foreach ($atasan as $data) {
                  echo "<option value='" . $data['email'] . "'>" . $data['email'] . "</option>";



我已经在 jquery 中尝试了 3 个小时,但我被卡住了。我的代码是这样的。

$("#email").change(function() {

        var elements = $("#email option:selected").length;
        var input = $(".emailSend");

        $.each($("#email option:selected"), function(/*index, element*/) {

            input.val(input.val() + $(this).html() + ", ");
            if (index < elements - 1) {
               //code to remove last comma
               //any idea ?



编辑 这是 fiddle :JSFIDDLE


已更新 FIDDLE现在我明白你说的是看你制作的 fiddle 是什么意思了。



  $("#email").on('change', function() {
       var thisval = $(this).val() + '';
       var myarr = thisval.split(',');
       var newval = '';
       myarr.forEach(function(i,v) {
           newval += i + ' , ';            
       newval = newval.slice(0, newval.length - 3);

Commented Version (for learning and stuff)

   $("#email").on('change', function() {

       //the extra space at the end is to typecast to string
       var thisval = $(this).val() + '';

       //takes string of comma separated values and puts them
       //into an array
       var myarr = thisval.split(',');

       //Initialize a new string variable and loop through 
       //the array we just created with MDN's forEach()
       var newval = '';
       myarr.forEach(function(i,v) {

           //add to the string through each iteration, 
           //including comma with spaces
           newval += i + ' , ';


       //use .slice() to trim three characters off the
       //end of the final string. (strip final comma)
       newval = newval.slice(0, newval.length - 3);

       //and last but not least, assign our newly created 
       //and properly formatted string to our input element. 


关于javascript - 填充从 jquery 上的选定多个选项中隐藏的输入类型,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


javascript - 要求是只删除浏览器窗口上的地址栏,但保留其余的工具栏选项

javascript - jQuery 无法处理 AJAX 加载的内容来显示/隐藏 div 内容

Javascript:用字符串开头的 x 空格替换 x &nbsp

查询。如果窗口大小 <= 某个值,则启动 jquery。但是在某些情况下,如果屏幕 > 特定值,则 jquery 会执行 - 调整菜单以覆盖菜单宽度

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