java - 查找包含未知跨度文本的网络元素

标签 java html selenium xpath

我这里有这个 html 片段。

enter image description here

这就是我想要实现的,用户输入一个值后,使用输入值检查哪个PagePostsSectionPaglet包含它,找到PagePostsSectionPaglet并找到 className("_5sem") 即在同一个 PagePostsSectionPaglet 中

get a list of text from webelement

//compare a list of text in PagePostsSectionPaglet with unknown user input
if text in PagePostsSectionPaglet = input year 
    find PagePostsSectionPaglet that contains text that is same with input year
    go through same PagePostsSectionPaglet and find className="_5sem">  
       find UFIPagerLink  //inside class="_5sem"
       find UFIPagerIcon  //inside class="_5sem"

问题如何找到包含用户输入“文本”而不​​是特定值的网页元素 PagePostsSectionPagelet?​​

尝试了不同的方法,但都出现了这个SyntaxError: The expression is not a legal expression.

List <WebElement> PagePostsSectionPagelet = elm.findElements(By.xpath("//*[starts-with(@id, 'PagePostsSectionPagelet')]//contains('"+elm.getText()+"')"));

List <WebElement> PagePostsSectionPagelet = elm.findElements(By.xpath("//*[starts-with(@id, 'PagePostsSectionPagelet')]//span[elm.getText()]"));


    //tried to print the list of texts in AllPagePostsSectionPagelet but only returns the first value
    List <WebElement> AllPagePostsSectionPagelet= dr.findElements(By.xpath("//*[starts-with(@id, 'PagePostsSectionPagelet')]//span[@class='_5em9 lfloat _ohe _50f4 _50f7']"));

    for (WebElement elm : AllPagePostsSectionPagelet){  
        if(year.equals(elm.getText())){  //year is the user input value
            //get weblement that contains the text
            List <WebElement> PagePostsSectionPagelet = elm.findElements(By.xpath("//*[starts-with(@id, 'PagePostsSectionPagelet')]//elm.getText()")); //this is the issue
            for (WebElement elment : PagePostsSectionPagelet){
                List<WebElement> comments = elment.findElements(By.className("_5sem")); //find web element 

                //iterate through the comments 
                for (WebElement comment : comments) {

                       //find web elements by their respective class name
                       List<WebElement> commentsbutton = comment.findElements(By.className("UFIPagerLink"));
                       List<WebElement> repliesbutton = comment.findElements(By.className("UFIPagerIcon")); 


这是我从你的问题中了解到的(如果我错了请纠正我),你正在尝试搜索满足 2 个条件的特定 div 标签:

  1. 有一个 id="PagePostsSectionPagelet"
  2. 并且在该标签内应该有一个 span 标签,它与用户输入的值相匹配(例如:2014)

现在,在那个 div 标签中,您想要使用 class="_5sem" 获取另一个 div 标签。

如果我所解释的与您想要实现的相匹配,那么下面给出的 xpath 应该适用于您在上面提供的 HTML 源。

"//span[text()='2014']/ancestor::div[contains(@id, 'PagePostsSectionPagelet')]//div[@class='_5sem']"

您提供的 Java 代码可以简化为:

//year is the user input value
String xp = "//span[text()='" + year + "']/ancestor::div[contains(@id, 'PagePostsSectionPagelet')]//div[@class='_5sem']";

WebElement comment = driver.findElement(By.xpath(xp)); 
// Add code to fetch 'UFIPagerLink' and 'UFIPagerIcon'
// which should be inside the div tag with class="_5sem"

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