javascript - HTML : hiding input radios on form submit

标签 javascript jquery html forms

我有一个 HTML 表单,它有两种可能的类型(“id”或“profile”)

<form action="process.php">
<input type="radio" name="type" value="id">
<input type="radio" name="type" value="profile">
<input type="text" name="value" value="input">

所以基本上,我得到的 URL 是


(或 type=profile,取决于用户选择的内容)

我想要的是我的 URL 看起来像




1) 下面的 jQuery/JavaScript 代码是“不好的做法”吗?如果我按照以下方式进行操作(即使它有效),我真的不觉得我做对了:

<input type="submit" onclick="formSubmit()">
function formSubmit() {

    // if the first radio (id) is selected, set value name to "id", else "profile"
    $("form input:text")[0].name = $("form input:radio")[0].checked ? "id" : "profile"; 

    // disable radio buttons (i.e. do not submit)
    $("form input:radio")[0].disabled = true;
    $("form input:radio")[1].disabled = true;

2) 有没有办法不使用 htaccess 规则或 JavaScript 来做到这一点?



至于你的第一个问题,我会这样写我的 jQuery:

// store your form into a variable for reuse in the rest of the code
var form = $('form');

// bind a function to your form's submit.  this way you
// don't have to add an onclick attribute to your html
// in an attempt to separate your pre-submit logic from
// the content on the page
form.submit(function() {
        // text holds our text input
    var text = $('input:text', form),
        // radio holds all of our radio buttons
        radio = $('input:radio', form),
        // checked holds our radio button that is currently checked
        checked = $('input:radio:checked', form);

    // checking to see if checked exists (since the user can
    // skip checking radio buttons)
    if (checked) {
        // setting the name of our text input to our checked
        // radio button's value
        text.prop('name', checked.val());

    // disabling our radio buttons (not sure why because the form
    // is about to submit which will take us to another page)
    radio.prop('disabled', true);

至于您的第二个问题,您总是可以将此逻辑移至服务器端。这取决于您是否希望由客户端或服务器完成预处理逻辑。无论哪种方式,您都应该在服务器上有逻辑来验证表单。如果您的 js 出错,它可以发送原始表单数据。就我个人而言,我会将此逻辑放在服务器上,以避免检查以确保它首先被预处理的开销。您还可以减少 js 的使用,这将为您节省一些宝贵的带宽。

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