javascript - 如何区分拖放和拖放中止

标签 javascript html drag-and-drop

当 HTML5 拖动操作在另一个窗口结束时,Drop 事件会在目标窗口中触发,而 DragEnd 事件会在源窗口中的拖动元素上触发。

对于复制和移动,放置目标将使用 e.dataTransfer 携带的数据执行复制操作,对于移动操作,必须在源窗口中删除项目。

当事件在源窗口中触发时,DragEnd 处理程序应如何确定该操作是在放置中结束还是被中止?



我找到了一个 answer in mdn .点击链接并向下滚动到完成拖动部分。不幸的是,此信息既不在 DragEnd 也不在 DataTransfer 文档页面中。

Once the drag is complete, a dragend event is fired at the source of the drag (the same element that received the dragstart event). This event will fire [whether] the drag was successful [or] cancelled. However, you can use the dropEffect property to determine what drop operation occurred.

If the dropEffect property has the value none during a dragend, then the drag was cancelled. Otherwise, the effect specifies which operation was performed. The source can use this information after a move operation to remove the dragged item from the old location.


Safari 8 完全崩溃了。它总是报告“无”作为放置事件中的放置效果。

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