jquery - 表格列宽未根据内容大小调整

标签 jquery html css

我在我的表格中添加了水平和垂直滚动条,当我垂直滚动时我卡住了线程元素并且我卡住了 tbody 元素最多四列,但是如果特定的 td 内容,表格列宽不会调整到内容大小值很长。需要您的帮助来解决此问题。

Click to View the Image In image i tried to increase the content length "WorchestershireWorchestershire" but the header is collapsed not adjusting to the content width


    <th>Anual Income</th>
    <th>Matital Status</th>
    <th>Anual Income</th>
    <th>Matital Status</th>
    <td>John Smith</td>
    <td>Jenny Jones</td>
    <td>Peter Frampton</td>
    <td>Simon King</td>
    <td>Lucy Diamond</td>
    <td>St Albans</td>
    <td>Austin Stevenson</td>
    <td>Lothian </td>
    <td>Wilma Rubble</td>
    <td>Kat Dibble</td>
    <td>New York</td>
    <td>Henry Bolingbroke</td>
    <td>Alan Brisingamen</td>
    <td>A pile of gems</td>


table {
    position: relative;
    table-layout: auto;
    background-color: #aaa;
    overflow: hidden;
    border-collapse: collapse;
    width: 100%;

  thead {
     position: relative;
     display: block; 
     overflow: visible;

   thead th {
      background-color: #99a;
      min-width: 120px;
      height: 32px;
      border: 1px solid #222;

   thead th:nth-child(1) {
      position: relative;
      background-color: #88b;

   thead th:nth-child(2) {
       position: relative;
       background-color: #88b;

   thead th:nth-child(3) {
         position: relative;
         background-color: #88b;

   thead th:nth-child(4) {
         position: relative;
         background-color: #88b;

   tbody {
        position: relative;
        display: block; 
        height: 239px;
        overflow: scroll;

   tbody td {
       background-color: #bbc;
       min-width: 120px;
       border: 1px solid #222;

   tbody tr td:nth-child(1) {  
        position: relative;
        height: 40px;
        background-color: #99a;

   tbody tr td:nth-child(2) {  
      position: relative;
      height: 40px;
      background-color: #99a;

   tbody tr td:nth-child(3) {  
         position: relative;
         height: 40px;
         background-color: #99a;

   tbody tr td:nth-child(4) {  
         position: relative;
         height: 40px;
         background-color: #99a;

/************************CSS 结束********************* *************/

   $(document).ready(function() {
       $('tbody').scroll(function(e) { 

       $('thead th:nth- 
$('tbody td:nth-child(1)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); 
$('thead th:nth-child(2)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); 
$('tbody td:nth-child(2)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); 
$('thead th:nth-child(3)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); 
 $('tbody td:nth-child(3)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); 
 $('thead th:nth-child(4)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); 
 $('tbody td:nth-child(4)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); 


$(document).ready(function() {
  $('tbody').scroll(function(e) { //detect a scroll event on the tbody
    Setting the thead left value to the negative valule of tbody.scrollLeft will make it track the movement
    of the tbody element. Setting an elements left value to that of the tbody.scrollLeft left makes it maintain 			it's relative position at the left of the table.    
    $('thead').css("left", -$("tbody").scrollLeft()); //fix the thead relative to the body scrolling
    $('thead th:nth-child(1)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); //fix the first cell of the header
    $('tbody td:nth-child(1)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); //fix the first column of tdbody
	$('thead th:nth-child(2)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); //fix the second cell of the header
    $('tbody td:nth-child(2)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); //fix the second column of tdbody
	$('thead th:nth-child(3)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); //fix the third cell of the header
	 $('tbody td:nth-child(3)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); //fix the third column of tdbody
	 $('thead th:nth-child(4)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); //fix the third cell of the header
	 $('tbody td:nth-child(4)').css("left", $("tbody").scrollLeft()); //fix the third column of tdbody
table {
  position: relative;
  table-layout: auto;
  background-color: #aaa;
  overflow: hidden;
  border-collapse: collapse;
  width: 100%;

thead {
  position: relative;
  display: block; /*seperates the header from the body allowing it to be positioned*/
  overflow: visible;

thead th {
  background-color: #99a;
  min-width: 120px;
  height: 32px;
  border: 1px solid #222;

thead th:nth-child(1) {/*first cell in the header*/
  position: relative;
  background-color: #88b;

thead th:nth-child(2) {/*second cell in the header*/
  position: relative;
  background-color: #88b;

thead th:nth-child(3) {/*third cell in the header*/
  position: relative;
  background-color: #88b;

thead th:nth-child(4) {/*third cell in the header*/
  position: relative;
  background-color: #88b;

tbody {
  position: relative;
  display: block; /*seperates the tbody from the header*/
  height: 239px;
  overflow: scroll;

tbody td {
  background-color: #bbc;
  min-width: 120px;
  border: 1px solid #222;

tbody tr td:nth-child(1) {  /*the first cell in each tr*/
  position: relative;
  height: 40px;
  background-color: #99a;

tbody tr td:nth-child(2) {  /*the second cell in each tr*/
  position: relative;
  height: 40px;
  background-color: #99a;

tbody tr td:nth-child(3) {  /*the third cell in each tr*/
  position: relative;
  height: 40px;
  background-color: #99a;

tbody tr td:nth-child(4) {  /*the third cell in each tr*/
  position: relative;
  height: 40px;
  background-color: #99a;
<!DOCTYPE html>
  <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
        <th>Anual Income</th>
        <th>Matital Status</th>
		<th>Anual Income</th>
        <th>Matital Status</th>
        <td>John Smith</td>
        <td>Jenny Jones</td>
        <td>Peter Frampton</td>
        <td>Simon King</td>
        <td>Worchestershire Wor chester shire</td>
        <td>Lucy Diamond</td>
        <td>St Albans</td>
        <td>Austin Stevenson</td>
        <td>Lothian </td>
        <td>Wilma Rubble</td>
        <td>Kat Dibble</td>
        <td>New York</td>
        <td>Henry Bolingbroke</td>
        <td>Alan Brisingamen</td>
        <td>A pile of gems</td>



tbody td {
  background-color: #bbc;
  min-width: 120px;
  border: 1px solid #222;

thead th {
  background-color: #99a;
  min-width: 120px;
  height: 32px;
  border: 1px solid #222;

关于jquery - 表格列宽未根据内容大小调整,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51671254/


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