html - 使用 XPath 选择具有最高 z-index 的元素

标签 html xpath selenium

在我的 Selenium 应用程序中,我尝试选择一个具有最高 z-index 的元素。该值不是在元素本身中定义的,而是在祖先节点上定义的(嵌套级别未知)。此外,如果使用 display: none 不可见祖先,则不应返回它。

示例 HTML:

  <div class="container" style="z-index: 10">
    <div style="display: none">
      <!-- this should not be selected because it is invisible (and the z-index is lower than the others) -->
      <div myattr="example"></div>
  <div class="container" style="z-index: 100">
      <!-- this should not be selected because the z-index is lower than the others -->
      <div myattr="example"></div>
  <div class="container" style="z-index: 1000">
      <!-- this should be selected because it is visible and has the highest z-index -->
      <div myattr="example"></div>

目前我有一个正则表达式,它选择所有带有 myattr="example" 的元素,这些元素没有带有 display: none 的祖先:

and not(ancestor::div[contains(@style,'display:none')])
and not(ancestor::div[contains(@style,'display: none')])]

我需要一个附加条件来选择具有最高 z-index 的元素,可以说是在其他元素之上可见的元素。对于每个找到的节点,必须查看所有祖先,直到找到具有特定类的节点(本例中为 container)。然后只返回具有最高 z-index 祖先的元素。

这甚至可以用 XPath 实现吗?


我非常努力地尝试了,但我认为您无法使用单个 XPath 1.0 表达式实现此目的。您可以靠近,但还不够。


例如,获取所有 container 元素,按 z-index 对它们进行排序,并测试它们的 myattr="example" 后代的可见性:

// Gets all containers - could also be Gets all elements containing z-index
List<WebElement> containers = driver.findElements(By.className("container"));

// Sorts the containers in an descending order by their z-indexes
Collections.sort(containers, Collections.reverseOrder(new Comparator<WebElement>() {
    public int compare(WebElement o1, WebElement o2) {
        return getZindex(o1) - getZindex(o2);
    private int getZindex(WebElement elem) {
        String zindex = elem.getAttribute("style").toLowerCase().replace("z-index: ", "");
        return Integer.parseInt(zindex);

// look for a visible candidate to return as a result
for (WebElement container : containers) {
    WebElement result = container.findElement(By.cssSelector("*[myattr='example']"));
    if (result.isDisplayed()) {
        return result;
throw new IllegalStateException("No element found.");

编辑:在您接受这个答案后,我回到问题并提出了 XPath 1.0 解决方案。它非常丑陋,性能很差,我无法验证它的正确性(它适用于你的例子和我试过的其他几个例子),所以我建议你使用上面的 WebDriver 方法。无论如何,我会分享它:

Copypastable oneliner:

//div[@myattr='example' and not(ancestor::div[contains(@style,'display: none')])]/ancestor::div[@class='container' and substring-after(@style,'z-index:') > substring-after(../div[not(descendant::div[contains(@style,'display: none')])]/@style,'z-index:')]


        and not(ancestor::div[contains(@style,'display: none')])
            and substring-after(@style,'z-index:')
                > substring-after(
                    ../div[not(descendant::div[contains(@style,'display: none')])]/@style,


SELECT A VISIBLE <div @myattr='example'> NODE
        and not(ancestor::div[contains(@style,'display: none')])
    THAT HAS A <div @class='container'> ANCESTOR
            WHOSE z-index IS GREATER THAN z-index...
            and substring-after(@style,'z-index:')
                > substring-after(
                    ...OF ALL VISIBLE SIBLINGS
                    ../div[not(descendant::div[contains(@style,'display: none')])]/@style,

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