javascript - Paper js 'dot' 路径在 Firefox 中显示,但在 IE 或 Chrome 中不显示

标签 javascript html canvas paperjs

使用论文js sketch中的代码here我只需单击即可看到绘制的点,而无需移动鼠标。您还可以看到该元素实际上已添加到所有 3 个浏览器中。但是,Chrome 和 IE 不显示该元素,我一生都无法理解为什么。

// The minimum distance the mouse has to drag
// before firing the next onMouseDrag event:
tool.minDistance = 1;
tool.maxDistance = 1;

function onMouseDown(e) {
    // Create a new path and give it a stroke color:
    path = new Path();
    path.strokeColor = 'black';
    path.strokeWidth = 2;
    // Add a segment to the path where
    // you clicked:

function onMouseDrag(e) {
    var top = e.middlePoint;
    var bottom = e.middlePoint;
    path.insert(0, bottom);

function onMouseUp(e) {
    var pt = e.point;
    path.closed = true;


收到 Jürg Lehni 的回复

It's probably a difference of the underlying rendering system, but an open path with only one segment should simply not be rendered, something that we should handle in the library internally.

A closed path should be rendered if it defines handles, as that can actually be a tiny little loop.


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