javascript - 在 HTML/JS/JQ 中通过按键更改 div 颜色

标签 javascript jquery html css input

基本上我想要做的是根据按键改变单个 div 的颜色。前任。如果我按“w”,背景颜色将变为绿色,“s”将变为红色,等等。

我没有发布任何指向我的代码的链接,因为基本上我只有一个 50px x 50px div,而且我真的不知道该去哪里。也许这真的很简单,但我所知道的编码知识都来自 Codeacademy 的 HTML/CSS 类(class)。预先感谢您向我展示或向我指出的任何内容。



// creating a map of the relation between the keyboard character pressed
// and the colour it should generate; 'color.b' and 'color["b"]' both give
// 'blue' for example:
var colorMap = {
    'b' : 'blue',
    'r' : 'red',
    'w' : 'white',
    'f' : 'fuchsia'

// binding the keypress event on the document:    
$(document).on('keyup', function(e){
    // creating a string from the character-code of the pressed key,
    // e.which returns the jQuery-normalised character code,
    // converting that string to lower case:
    var letter = String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase();

    // using the css() method to set the background-color to the
    // color returned from the colorMap[letter] call:
    $('#swatch').css('background-color', colorMap[letter]);

JS Fiddle demo .


var colorMap = {
    'b' : 'blue',
    'r' : 'red',
    'w' : 'white',
    'f' : 'fuchsia'

$(document).on('keyup', function(e){
    var letter = String.fromCharCode(e.which).toLowerCase();
    // broadly the same as above, but using the anonymous function,
    // i is the index of the current element among the collection returned
    // by the selector;
    // currentColour is the current value of the property we're updating:
    $('#swatch').css('background-color', function(i,currentColour){
        // returns the colorMap[letter] colour or, if one doesn't exist,
        // returns the existing colour instead:
        return colorMap[letter] || currentColour;

JS Fiddle demo .

使用纯 JavaScript 而不是 jQuery 库:

// arguments are required,
// target is the element whose property we're changing,
// event is the event-object,
// propertyName is the name of the property we're changing:
function changeProperty (target, event, propertyName) {
    // if any of those are not supplied, we quit right here:
    if (!target || !event || !propertyName) {
        return false;
    else {
        // if target is a node (and has a nodeType) *and* is an HTMLElement (
        // with a nodeType === 1) we use that, otherwise we assume it's a string
        // and use getElementById() to retrieve that element:
        target = target.nodeType && target.nodeType === 1 ? target : document.getElementById(target);

        // as above, but there's no normalisation of the event.which,
        // so we're relying on browsers to comply with standards:
        var letter = String.fromCharCode(event.which).toLowerCase(),

            // getting the old property-value, using window.getComputedStyle:
            oldPropertyValue = window.getComputedStyle(target,null)[propertyName];

        // setting the style property to the value returned by the colorMap, or
        // to the current value if no value is returned by the colorMap:[propertyName] = colorMap[letter] || oldPropertyValue;

document.body.addEventListener('keyup', function(e){
    changeProperty(document.getElementById('swatch'), e, 'backgroundColor');

JS Fiddle demo .

以上内容是针对以下 HTML 编写的:

<div id="swatch"></div>


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