html - 如何使用 VBA 将 Excel 单元格插入到 HTML 类中

标签 html vba excel

是否可以使用 VBA 将 Excel 单元格值插入 HTML 格式?

我有 HTML 模板:

<div class="article">
   <div class="title"></div>
   <div class="date"></div>
   <div class="content"></div>

以及 Excel 中的数据:

|  Title   |  Date   |  Content                             |
| Sample1  |20150811 | Lorem ipsum dolor                    |
| Sample2  |20150812 | Lorem ipsum dolor                    |
| Sample3  |20150813 | Lorem ipsum dolor                    |

目标:我想创建一个 Excel 宏来将单元格插入到 HTML 类中,并将每一行保存到 HTML 文件中,因此结果是 3 个具有相同模板和不同内容的 HTML。

有谁可以帮我指点一下吗?或者线索,我应该做什么来实现目标。我尝试搜索,但结果是从网络抓取到 Excel。从 Excel 到 HTML 没有任何内容。



Public Sub exportHTML()

    Dim templateStream As TextStream
    Dim templatePath, templateText, newFile, newText As String
    Dim dataSheet As Worksheet
    Dim row As Integer

    'Create FileSystemObject
    Dim fsObject As New FileSystemObject

    'Set template file path
    templatePath = "C:\template.html"

    'Set sheet
    Set dataSheet = Sheets("sheetname")

    'If template file is exist.
    If fsObject.FileExists(templatePath) Then

        'Open template file
        Set templateStream = fsObject.OpenTextFile(templatePath)

        'Read data
        templateText = templateStream.ReadAll

        'Close template file

        'Looping all row
        For row = 2 To 4 'Here you need to modify the end row as you like

            'Get new html file (filename: Range("A").html)(e.g Sample1.html)
            'You can change file name.
            newFile = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & dataSheet.Range("A" & row) & ".html"

            'Set old text to new text
            newText = templateText

            'Set title
            newText = Replace(newText, "<div class=""title""></div>", "<div class=""title"">" & dataSheet.Range("A" & row) & "</div>")

            'Set date
            newText = Replace(newText, "<div class=""date""></div>", "<div class=""date"">" & dataSheet.Range("B" & row) & "</div>")

            'Set content
            newText = Replace(newText, "<div class=""content""></div>", "<div class=""content"">" & dataSheet.Range("C" & row) & "</div>")

            'Create new HTML file and open
            Open newFile For Output As #1

                'Write file content
                Print #1, newText

            'Close new file

        Next row

        Call MsgBox("Template HTML file is not exist.", vbExclamation, "Exporting HTML")
    End If

End Sub


    |    A     |    B    |   C                                  |   
| 1 |  Title   |  Date   |  Content                             |
| 2 | Sample1  |20150811 | Lorem ipsum dolor                    |
| 3 | Sample2  |20150812 | Lorem ipsum dolor                    |
| 4 | Sample3  |20150813 | Lorem ipsum dolor                    |

我在同一目录中得到了三个输出Sample1.html、Sample2.html、Sample3.html,其中包含具有所需内容的 Excel 文件。

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