javascript - 是否可以在extjs面板中显示div的内容?

标签 javascript html extjs extjs4

我有一些预先存在的 js 代码,可以通过 DOM 操作 div。我有一个带有边框布局的 Ext.container.Viewport 。我想在视口(viewport)中心区域的面板中显示 div 的内容。


<div id="contents"></div>


Ext.create('Ext.container.Viewport', {
  layout: 'border',
  items: [{
    region: 'north',
  }, {
    region: 'center',
    items: [{          
        // #contents;


您可能对 contentEl 感兴趣配置选项。来自文档:

Specify an existing HTML element, or the id of an existing HTML element to use as the content for this component.

This config option is used to take an existing HTML element and place it in the layout element of a new component (it simply moves the specified DOM element after the Component is rendered to use as the content.


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