html - Haskell - Parsec 解析 <p> 元素

标签 html parsing haskell functional-programming parsec

我正在使用 Text.ParserCombinators.ParsecText.XHtml解析这样的输入:

This is the first paragraph example\n
with two lines\n
And this is the second paragraph\n

And my output should be:

<p>This is the first paragraph example\n with two lines\n</p> <p>And this is the second paragraph\n</p>

I defined:

line= do{
        ;t<-manyTill (anyChar) newline
        ;return t

paragraph = do{
        t<-many1 (line) 
        ;return ( p << t )


<p>This is the first paragraph example\n with two lines\n\n And this is the second paragraph\n</p>




来自 documentation for manyTill ,它运行第一个参数零次或多次,所以一行中的 2 个换行符仍然有效并且你的 line 解析器不会失败。

您可能正在寻找类似 many1Till 的内容(例如 many1many),但它似乎不存在于 Parsec 中库,所以你可能需要自己动手:(警告:我在这台机器上没有 ghc,所以这是完全未经测试的)

many1Till p end = do
    first <- p
    rest  <- p `manyTill` end
    return (first : rest)


many1Till p end = liftM2 (:) p (p `manyTill` end)

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