javascript - 为什么 JSON.parse() 不解析这个?

标签 javascript html json debugging dojo

我有 JSON 数据,我正在尝试使用 JSON.parse() 解析它。我不断收到错误:意外的 token o。有人可以帮忙吗? 我觉得我应该提到,我将使用解析的 JSON 数据来填充 Dojo 存储,然后该存储将用于填充 Dijit 树。有人会推荐任何其他方法来形成树状用户界面吗?



"dojo/ready", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/json","dojo/dom","dojo/store/Memory", "dojo/store/Observable",
"dijit/tree/ObjectStoreModel", "dijit/Tree", "dojo/domReady!", "dojo/mouse","dojo/text!./data/all.json"],
 function(ready, win, JSON, dom, Memory, Observable, ObjectStoreModel, Tree, mouse, data){

var testStore = new Memory({

    data :  JSON.parse($("#getData").click(
                  var inputString = "pspTreegetData{}";
                  var state =  Function that executes Tcl script and returns the JSON data
                  return state;

这是我的 Tcl 脚本,当我检查其输出时,它会提供原始 JSON 数据,

proc pspTreegetData {} {
            set fo [open "C:/Path/To/File/sampleTest.json" r]
            set text [read $fo]
            close $fo
            puts $text 
            return $text


    "name" : "root",
    "id"   : "rootNode",
    "description" : "This is the root node"

    "name"  : "level1_node1",
    "id"    : "l1n1", 
    "description" : "This is the first node of level 1",
    "parent" : "rootNode"

        "name"  : "level2_node1",
        "id"    :  "l2n1",
        "description" : "This is the first node of level 2",
        "parent" : "l1n1"

        "name"  : "level2_node2",
        "id"    : "l2n2",
        "description" : "This is the second node of level 2",
        "parent" : "l1n1"

            "name"    : "level3_node1",
            "id"      : "l3n1",
            "description" : "This is the first node of level 3",
            "parent" : "l2n2"

            "name"    : "level3_node2",
            "id"      : "l3n2",
            "description" : "This is the second node of level 3",
            "parent" : "l2n2"

        "name"  : "level1_node2",
        "id"    : "l1n2",
        "description" : "This is the second node of level 1",
        "parent" : "rootNode"

        "name"  : "level1_node3",
        "id"    :  "l1n3",
        "description" : "This is the third node of level 1",
        "parent" : "rootNode"
            "name"  : "level2_node3",
            "id"    : "l2n3",
            "description" : "This is the third node of level 2",
            "parent" : "l1n3"

            "name"  : "level2_node4",
            "id"    : "l2n4",
            "description" : "This is the fourth node of level 2",
            "parent" : "l1n3"

        "name"  : "level1_node4",
        "id"   : "l1n4",
        "description" : "This is the fourth node of level 1",
        "parent" : "rootNode"


I keep getting the error : unexpected token o.

这意味着您正在尝试解析已经解析的对象。只需删除 JSON.parse() 并按原样使用输入数据即可。

为什么是“token o”?因为 JSON.parse() 在提供的输入上运行 toString() 方法以确保它确实是 String 类型。然而,当在对象上调用toString()时,会产生一个字符串“[object Object]”。第一个字符看起来像数组,但第二个字符绝对不可解析。因此出现错误。

UPD。当您尝试解析 jQuery 实例对象时,您会感到非常困惑 - 因为这就是您编写 JSON.parse($("#getData") 时发生的情况。点击());。尽管事件对象中有返回状态行,但您无法从事件监听器函数返回,因为它没有任何意义。你绑定(bind)事件,它可以在 5 分钟内发生 - 当然脚本不会等到它发生。


var state =  Function that executes Tcl script and returns the JSON data 

但我很确定“执行 Tcl 脚本的函数”要么接受回调函数,要么返回 thenable/promise 对象。在这种情况下,您的代码应如下所示:

    "dojo/ready", "dojo/_base/window", "dojo/json", "dojo/dom", "dojo/store/Memory",
    "dojo/store/Observable", "dijit/tree/ObjectStoreModel", "dijit/Tree", "dojo/domReady!",
    "dojo/mouse", "dojo/text!./data/all.json"
], function(ready, win, JSON, dom, Memory, Observable, ObjectStoreModel, Tree, mouse, data) {

    $("#getData").click(function() {
        var inputString = "pspTreegetData{}";
        Function_that_executes_Tcl_script(function(data) {
            var testStore = new Memory({
                data: JSON.parse(data) // or if data is Object already just data: data 


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