javascript - 我的代码有什么问题吗?(使用javascript更改图片)

标签 javascript html

我希望通过单击两个按钮将图片从灯泡关闭变为灯泡打开。我在 W3schools 中看到过类似的示例,但是,我看不出代码之间的区别。请帮忙。

<!doctype html>
function light(switch){
    var pi;
    if(switch == 0){
        pi = "pic_bulboff.gif"
<!--this is if the switch value is zero-->
        pi = "pic_bulbon.gif"
<!--this is if switch value is anything else including 1-->
    document.getElementById('sw').src = pi;

<img id="sw" src="pic_bulboff.gif">

<button onclick="light(0)">Light off</button>
<button onclick="light(1)">Light on</button>


switch is a reserved keyword which can not be used as argument name

function light(s) { //Change argument name
  var pi;
  if (s == 0) {
    pi = "pic_bulboff.gif";
  } else {
    pi = "pic_bulbon.gif";
  document.getElementById('sw').src = pi;
  document.getElementById('sw').title = pi; //Just to demonstrate
<img id="sw" src="pic_bulboff.gif">

<button onclick="light(0)">Light off</button>
<button onclick="light(1)">Light on</button>

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