php - 使用 php 构建 html 表

标签 php html

我希望有一个使用 php 构建的表,但有一些变化。我只想将其限制为 10 行。如果变量大于 10,则添加新列。 IE:

如果变量为 9,则表将有 1 列和 9 行。如果数字是 19,那么表格将包含 10 行和 2 列,第二列包含数字 11 - 19。依此类推,类似于下面

| Q  | Tally | Total | Q  | Tally | Total | Q  | Tally | Total |
| 1  |       |       | 11 |       |       | 21 |       |       |
| 2  |       |       | 12 |       |       | 22 |       |       |
| 3  |       |       | 13 |       |       | 23 |       |       |
| 4  |       |       | 14 |       |       | 24 |       |       |
| 5  |       |       | 15 |       |       | 25 |       |       |
| 6  |       |       | 16 |       |       |    |       |       |
| 7  |       |       | 17 |       |       |    |       |       |
| 8  |       |       | 18 |       |       |    |       |       |
| 9  |       |       | 19 |       |       |    |       |       |
| 10 |       |       | 20 |       |       |    |       |       |



$table_string = 'Table Name 1:45,Table Name 2:20,Table Name 3:9';

function foo()
    $tables = explode(',', $table_string);
    $output = '';

    foreach ($tables as $table)
        $table_name = explode(':', $table)[0];
        $table_rows = explode(':',$table)[1];
        $table_columns = ceil($table_rows/10);

        $output .= "<br>

        <table class='table table-bordered table-small'>
                <th scope='col' colspan='99'>{$table_name}</th>

        for ($x = 1; $x <=10; $x++)
            $output .= "<tr>";

            for ($y = 1; $y <= $table_columns * 3; $y++)
                if ($y % 3 == 1) {
                    $output .= "<td scope=\"col\">Q</td>";
                } else if ($y % 3 == 2) {
                    $output .= "<td scope=\"col\">Tally</td>";
                } else  {
                    $output .= "<td scope=\"col\">Total</td>";

            $output .= "</tr>";
            $output .= "<tr>";

            for ($y = 1; $y <= $table_columns * 3; $y++)
                if ($y == 1 || $y % 4 == 0) {
                    $z = ceil($y / 4);
                    $output .= "<td scope=\"row\">{$z}</td>";
                } else {
                    $output .= "<td></td>";

            $output .= "</tr>";

        $output .= "</table>";

    return $output;


| Q | Tally | Total | Q | Tally | Total | Q | Tally | Total | Q | Tally | Total | Q | Tally | Total |
| 1 |       |       | 1 |       |       |   | 2     |       |   |       | 3     |   |       |       |
| 1 |       |       | 1 |       |       |   | 2     |       |   |       | 3     |   |       |       |
| 1 |       |       | 1 |       |       |   | 2     |       |   |       | 3     |   |       |       |
| 1 |       |       | 1 |       |       |   | 2     |       |   |       | 3     |   |       |       |
| 1 |       |       | 1 |       |       |   | 2     |       |   |       | 3     |   |       |       |
| 1 |       |       | 1 |       |       |   | 2     |       |   |       | 3     |   |       |       |
| 1 |       |       | 1 |       |       |   | 2     |       |   |       | 3     |   |       |       |
| 1 |       |       | 1 |       |       |   | 2     |       |   |       | 3     |   |       |       |
| 1 |       |       | 1 |       |       |   | 2     |       |   |       | 3     |   |       |       |
| 1 |       |       | 1 |       |       |   | 2     |       |   |       | 3     |   |       |       |



    //no. of ques
    $total_ques = 45;
    //creating array for que no
    $que_nos = range(1,(int)$total_ques);
    $part = 10;

    //splitting array in chunks
    $cols = array_chunk($que_nos,$part);

    echo '<table border="1" cellpadding="5">';
    echo '<tr>';
    foreach($cols as $col) {
        //Generating heading columns
        echo "<td>Q</td>";
        echo "<td>Tally</td>";
        echo "<td>Total</td>";
    echo '</tr>';

    //data for each row
    $row_data = [];
    for ($i=0; $i < $part; $i++) {
        //temporary variable containing values for each row
        $temp_row_data = [];
        foreach($cols as $k1 => $col) {
            //getting first value of array
            $value = reset($col);
            $temp_row_data[] = $value ?: '';
            if ($value !== false) {
                //unset value as it is already processed
        //storing temporary array in main row array
        $row_data[] = $temp_row_data;

    foreach ($row_data as $key => $cd) {
        echo '<tr>';
        foreach ($cd as $c) {
            echo "<td>{$c}</td>";
            echo "<td></td>";
            echo "<td></td>";
        echo '</tr>';

    echo '</table>';


输出将如下图所示 enter image description here

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