linux - QT Creator交叉编译配置

标签 linux qt gcc

Actually i installed QT creator in my debian linux system which is having i386 processor.Now i need to cross compile the QT for debian linux with ARM processor.

So for this cross compile process i installed the compiler arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.4 manually and add it in the QT creator "Tools->Options->Build&Run-->Compiler".

After that i have no idea of how to configure the installed (arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.4) compiler in kit option. Because in kit option "Device Type" , it is expecting for the Qmake file of arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.4.Here my doubt is

  1. Is it possible to create Qmake file for the compiler (arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.4)

  2. If that case what is the procedure to create Qmake file for the compiler (arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.4)

  3. If not in the case any dependencies need to install.

  4. By googling around for this solution finally i felt my head rotate because in QT documentQT document they mention 5 steps.Among 5 steps i stuck in 2nd step itself (./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ ).In this step im not able to understand what is configure , embedded, arm, xplatform etc...

  5. In some link link number 2 they suggested to install bitbake and some steps.Here im not able to install bitbake also.

  6. In some qt documents they mentioned embedded linux (is embedded linux is a OS like debian) and mkspecs etc..

Finally i decided to create Qmake file for the compiler arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.4 but not having the single clue also.So if anybody knows what exactly i need to configure QT creator (either Qmake for compiler arm-linux-gnueabi-4.4 or something else ) so that i will follow exactly the required thing without any confusion.


使用 Angstrom 交叉编译器可以成功完成基于 arm 板的 Qt 交叉编译。只需根据您的电路板配置下载 Angstrom 交叉编译器,解压并使用该包创建交叉编译器。

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