linux - 我需要从文件中的列子集而不是整个文件中找到一个字符串

标签 linux shell grep

我正在使用 LINUX,我想使用 shell 来实现这一点。



[Jeff Y:格式化数据]

create_ts   id  tags    title   body    answers

2011-01-03T20:52:52.880 5   **nosql^&^rdbms^&^database-recommendation** what are the differences between nosql and a traditional rdbms  what are the differences between nosql and a traditional rdbms   over the last few months  nosql has been frequently mentioned in the technical news  what are its most significant features relative to a traditional rdbms  at what level  physical  logical  do the differences occur   where are the best places to use nosql  why      nosql is a kind of database that doesn t have a fixed schema like a traditional rdbms does   with the nosql databases the schema is defined by the developer at run time   they don t write normal sql statements against the database  but instead use an 
2011-01-04T14:26:06.730 162 sql^&^explain-plan^&^db2    what does hsjoin mean in an explain plan    i have the following explain plan results from a query on my db2 database   0 select statement   estimated costs    5 928e 02  timerons           1 return            2 hsjoin                3  o  fetch ltbp                    4 ixscan ltbp m  key columns   0                5  i  fetch ltbk                    6 ixscan ltbk v  key columns   0   what does the hsjoin on line 2 mean    it s a hash join  
2011-01-07T16:44:52.210 394 **database-recommendation^&^feature comparison^&^permissions**  which database engines will allow me to grant revoke on a specific column   if i have a table with a single column of sensitive data  and i want to grant broad use of the table without exposing that one column  i know that i can create a view that gives them access to all the non sensitive columns  however  postgresql allows you to grant column level permissions in the form of  grant select  col1     coln  on table to role    are there other engines which provide this capability     sql server 2000  2005  2008 has this capability  grant   all   privileges              permission     column       n             n            on   class      securable   to 



使用 awk,您需要拆分标签分隔符上的第三个字段并在结果中查找您的标签:

awk -F"\t" '{split($3,a,/\^&\^/);for(t in a)if(a[t]=="db2"){print;next}}'

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