linux - ndnSIM 安装失败 => cryptoPP 存在,但不可用

标签 linux

我在安装 ndnSIM(ns-3 模块)时遇到了麻烦。今天质疑安装ns-3,但无法解决问题。我找到了另一种安装 ndnSIM 的方法。

我引用了这个 URL并按照说明一步步进行。

但是在 ns-3/src/ndnSIM/ndn-cxx 目录 中配置时(使用 waf 构建系统),然后我收到错误消息。


这是我上面提到的 URL 中的第 7 步。以下是错误信息。

Setting top to                           : /home/juhyun-park/다운로드/ndnSIM/ns-3/src/ndnSIM/ndn-cxx 
Setting out to                           : /home/juhyun-park/다운로드/ndnSIM/ns-3/src/ndnSIM/ndn-cxx/build 
Building static library                  : no 
Building shared library                  : yes 
Checking for 'g++' (C++ compiler)        : /usr/bin/g++ 
Checking supported CXXFLAGS              : -std=c++11 
Checking supported CXXFLAGS              : -pedantic -Wall -O2 -g 
Checking for program 'doxygen'           : /usr/bin/doxygen 
Checking for program 'tar'               : /bin/tar 
Checking for program 'sphinx-build'      : /usr/bin/sphinx-build 
Checking for std::is_default_constructible : yes 
Checking for std::is_nothrow_move_constructible : yes 
Checking for std::is_nothrow_move_assignable    : yes 
Checking for friend typename-specifier          : yes 
Checking for override and final specifiers      : yes 
Checking for std::vector::insert with const_iterators : no 
Checking for program 'sh'                             : /bin/sh 
Checking for library pthread                          : yes 
Checking for library rt                               : yes 
Checking for function getpass                         : yes 
Checking for rtnetlink                                : yes 
Checking for program 'pkg-config'                     : /usr/bin/pkg-config 
Checking for 'sqlite3'                                : yes 
Checking Crypto++ lib                                 : 561 
Checking if CryptoPP library works                    : no 
Checking if CryptoPP library works                    : no 
CryptoPP is present, but is not usable
(complete log in /home/juhyun-park/다운로드/ndnSIM/ns-3/src/ndnSIM/ndn-cxx/build/config.log)


CryptoPP is present, but is not usable

(complete log in /home/juhyun-park/다운로드/ndnSIM/ns-3/src/ndnSIM/ndn-cxx/build/config.log)





操作系统:Ubuntu 14.04 LTS(桌面版)
类型:64 位


不需要独立构建ndn-cxx,在你通过./waf configure在ns-3的top director上构建之后,ndn-cxx也被构建,安装之后, ndn-cxx header 安装在 /usr/local/include/ns3-dev/ns3/ndnSIM/ndn-cxx

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