python - 无法使用 python pykitti 包在目录中找到文件

标签 python linux directory

我正在使用 pykitti 包在 python 中可视化 KITTI 数据集。找不到所需的校准文件。它会在指定目录中查找这些校准文件。我指定了它应该在其中查找这些文件的目录。但是,它仍然给我一个错误: FileNotFoundError:[Errno 2] 没有这样的文件或目录:'/home/spb5151/Downloads/KITTI_Data/2011_09_26/calib_imu_to_velo.txt'

它说它卡在我的代码中的 open(filepath, 'r') 行。但是,我已经确认该文件位于该目录中。我在 Linux 上使用 Pycharm 作为我的 IDE。我是 python 和 linux 的新手,所以我可能缺少任何语法吗?

import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '/home/spb5151/Documents/pykitti-master')

import pykitti

basedir = '/home/spb5151/Downloads/KITTI_Data'
date = '2011_09_26'
drive = '0019'

# The 'frames' argument is optional - default: None, which loads the whole dataset.
# Calibration and timestamp data are read automatically.
# Other sensor data (cameras, IMU, Velodyne) are available via properties
# that create generators when accessed.
data = pykitti.raw(basedir, date, drive, frames=range(0, 50, 5))

# dataset.calib:      Calibration data are accessible as a named tuple
# dataset.timestamps: Timestamps are parsed into a list of datetime objects
# dataset.oxts:       Returns a generator that loads OXTS packets as named tuples
# dataset.camN:       Returns a generator that loads individual images from camera N
# dataset.gray:       Returns a generator that loads monochrome stereo pairs (cam0, cam1)
# dataset.rgb:        Returns a generator that loads RGB stereo pairs (cam2, cam3)
# dataset.velo:       Returns a generator that loads velodyne scans as [x,y,z,reflectance]

point_velo = np.array([0,0,0,1])
point_cam0 =

point_imu = np.array([0,0,0,1])
point_w = [ for o in data.oxts]

for cam0_image in data.cam0:

rgb_iterator = data.rgb # Assign the generator so it doesn't
cam2_image, cam3_image = next(rgb_iterator)


"""Provides 'raw', which loads and parses raw KITTI data."""

import datetime as dt
import glob
import os
from collections import namedtuple

import numpy as np

import pykitti.utils as utils

__author__ = "Lee Clement"
__email__ = ""

class raw:
    """Load and parse raw data into a usable format."""

    def __init__(self, base_path, date, drive, **kwargs):
        """Set the path and pre-load calibration data and timestamps.""" = date + '_drive_' + drive + '_sync'
        self.calib_path = os.path.join(base_path, date)
        self.data_path = os.path.join(base_path, date,
        self.frames = kwargs.get('frames', None)

        # Setting imformat='cv2' will convert the images to uint8 and BGR for
        # easy use with OpenCV.
        self.imformat = kwargs.get('imformat', None)

        # Pre-load data that isn't returned as a generator

    def __len__(self):
        """Return the number of frames loaded."""
        return len(self.timestamps)

    def oxts(self):
        """Generator to read OXTS data from file."""
        # Find all the data files
        oxts_path = os.path.join(self.data_path, 'oxts', 'data', '*.txt')
        oxts_files = sorted(glob.glob(oxts_path))

        # Subselect the chosen range of frames, if any
        if self.frames is not None:
            oxts_files = [oxts_files[i] for i in self.frames]

        # Return a generator yielding OXTS packets and poses
        return utils.get_oxts_packets_and_poses(oxts_files)

    def cam0(self):
        """Generator to read image files for cam0 (monochrome left)."""
        impath = os.path.join(self.data_path, 'image_00', 'data', '*.png')
        imfiles = sorted(glob.glob(impath))
        # Subselect the chosen range of frames, if any
        if self.frames is not None:
            imfiles = [imfiles[i] for i in self.frames]

        # Return a generator yielding the images
        return utils.get_images(imfiles, self.imformat)

    def cam1(self):
        """Generator to read image files for cam1 (monochrome right)."""
        impath = os.path.join(self.data_path, 'image_01', 'data', '*.png')
        imfiles = sorted(glob.glob(impath))
        # Subselect the chosen range of frames, if any
        if self.frames is not None:
            imfiles = [imfiles[i] for i in self.frames]

        # Return a generator yielding the images
        return utils.get_images(imfiles, self.imformat)

    def cam2(self):
        """Generator to read image files for cam2 (RGB left)."""
        impath = os.path.join(self.data_path, 'image_02', 'data', '*.png')
        imfiles = sorted(glob.glob(impath))
        # Subselect the chosen range of frames, if any
        if self.frames is not None:
            imfiles = [imfiles[i] for i in self.frames]

        # Return a generator yielding the images
        return utils.get_images(imfiles, self.imformat)

    def cam3(self):
        """Generator to read image files for cam0 (RGB right)."""
        impath = os.path.join(self.data_path, 'image_03', 'data', '*.png')
        imfiles = sorted(glob.glob(impath))
        # Subselect the chosen range of frames, if any
        if self.frames is not None:
            imfiles = [imfiles[i] for i in self.frames]

        # Return a generator yielding the images
        return utils.get_images(imfiles, self.imformat)

    def gray(self):
        """Generator to read monochrome stereo pairs from file.
        return zip(self.cam0, self.cam1)

    def rgb(self):
        """Generator to read RGB stereo pairs from file.
        return zip(self.cam2, self.cam3)

    def velo(self):
        """Generator to read velodyne [x,y,z,reflectance] scan data from binary files."""
        # Find all the Velodyne files
        velo_path = os.path.join(
            self.data_path, 'velodyne_points', 'data', '*.bin')
        velo_files = sorted(glob.glob(velo_path))

        # Subselect the chosen range of frames, if any
        if self.frames is not None:
            velo_files = [velo_files[i] for i in self.frames]

        # Return a generator yielding Velodyne scans.
        # Each scan is a Nx4 array of [x,y,z,reflectance]
        return utils.get_velo_scans(velo_files)

    def _load_calib_rigid(self, filename):
        """Read a rigid transform calibration file as a numpy.array."""
        filepath = os.path.join(self.calib_path, filename)
        data = utils.read_calib_file(filepath)
        return utils.transform_from_rot_trans(data['R'], data['T'])

    def _load_calib_cam_to_cam(self, velo_to_cam_file, cam_to_cam_file):
        # We'll return the camera calibration as a dictionary
        data = {}

        # Load the rigid transformation from velodyne coordinates
        # to unrectified cam0 coordinates
        T_cam0unrect_velo = self._load_calib_rigid(velo_to_cam_file)

        # Load and parse the cam-to-cam calibration data
        cam_to_cam_filepath = os.path.join(self.calib_path, cam_to_cam_file)
        filedata = utils.read_calib_file(cam_to_cam_filepath)

        # Create 3x4 projection matrices
        P_rect_00 = np.reshape(filedata['P_rect_00'], (3, 4))
        P_rect_10 = np.reshape(filedata['P_rect_01'], (3, 4))
        P_rect_20 = np.reshape(filedata['P_rect_02'], (3, 4))
        P_rect_30 = np.reshape(filedata['P_rect_03'], (3, 4))

        data['P_rect_00'] = P_rect_00
        data['P_rect_10'] = P_rect_10
        data['P_rect_20'] = P_rect_20
        data['P_rect_30'] = P_rect_30

        # Create 4x4 matrices from the rectifying rotation matrices
        R_rect_00 = np.eye(4)
        R_rect_00[0:3, 0:3] = np.reshape(filedata['R_rect_00'], (3, 3))
        R_rect_10 = np.eye(4)
        R_rect_10[0:3, 0:3] = np.reshape(filedata['R_rect_01'], (3, 3))
        R_rect_20 = np.eye(4)
        R_rect_20[0:3, 0:3] = np.reshape(filedata['R_rect_02'], (3, 3))
        R_rect_30 = np.eye(4)
        R_rect_30[0:3, 0:3] = np.reshape(filedata['R_rect_03'], (3, 3))

        data['R_rect_00'] = R_rect_00
        data['R_rect_10'] = R_rect_10
        data['R_rect_20'] = R_rect_20
        data['R_rect_30'] = R_rect_30

        # Compute the rectified extrinsics from cam0 to camN
        T0 = np.eye(4)
        T0[0, 3] = P_rect_00[0, 3] / P_rect_00[0, 0]
        T1 = np.eye(4)
        T1[0, 3] = P_rect_10[0, 3] / P_rect_10[0, 0]
        T2 = np.eye(4)
        T2[0, 3] = P_rect_20[0, 3] / P_rect_20[0, 0]
        T3 = np.eye(4)
        T3[0, 3] = P_rect_30[0, 3] / P_rect_30[0, 0]

        # Compute the velodyne to rectified camera coordinate transforms
        data['T_cam0_velo'] =
        data['T_cam1_velo'] =
        data['T_cam2_velo'] =
        data['T_cam3_velo'] =

        # Compute the camera intrinsics
        data['K_cam0'] = P_rect_00[0:3, 0:3]
        data['K_cam1'] = P_rect_10[0:3, 0:3]
        data['K_cam2'] = P_rect_20[0:3, 0:3]
        data['K_cam3'] = P_rect_30[0:3, 0:3]

        # Compute the stereo baselines in meters by projecting the origin of
        # each camera frame into the velodyne frame and computing the distances
        # between them
        p_cam = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1])
        p_velo0 = np.linalg.inv(data['T_cam0_velo']).dot(p_cam)
        p_velo1 = np.linalg.inv(data['T_cam1_velo']).dot(p_cam)
        p_velo2 = np.linalg.inv(data['T_cam2_velo']).dot(p_cam)
        p_velo3 = np.linalg.inv(data['T_cam3_velo']).dot(p_cam)

        data['b_gray'] = np.linalg.norm(p_velo1 - p_velo0)  # gray baseline
        data['b_rgb'] = np.linalg.norm(p_velo3 - p_velo2)   # rgb baseline

        return data

    def _load_calib(self):
        """Load and compute intrinsic and extrinsic calibration parameters."""
        # We'll build the calibration parameters as a dictionary, then
        # convert it to a namedtuple to prevent it from being modified later
        data = {}

        # Load the rigid transformation from velodyne to IMU
        data['T_velo_imu'] = self._load_calib_rigid('calib_imu_to_velo.txt')

        # Load the camera intrinsics and extrinsics
            'calib_velo_to_cam.txt', 'calib_cam_to_cam.txt'))

        # Pre-compute the IMU to rectified camera coordinate transforms
        data['T_cam0_imu'] = data['T_cam0_velo'].dot(data['T_velo_imu'])
        data['T_cam1_imu'] = data['T_cam1_velo'].dot(data['T_velo_imu'])
        data['T_cam2_imu'] = data['T_cam2_velo'].dot(data['T_velo_imu'])
        data['T_cam3_imu'] = data['T_cam3_velo'].dot(data['T_velo_imu'])

        self.calib = namedtuple('CalibData', data.keys())(*data.values())

    def _load_timestamps(self):
        """Load timestamps from file."""
        timestamp_file = os.path.join(
            self.data_path, 'oxts', 'timestamps.txt')

        # Read and parse the timestamps
        self.timestamps = []
        with open(timestamp_file, 'r') as f:
            for line in f.readlines():
                # NB: datetime only supports microseconds, but KITTI timestamps
                # give nanoseconds, so need to truncate last 4 characters to
                # get rid of \n (counts as 1) and extra 3 digits
                t = dt.datetime.strptime(line[:-4], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')

        # Subselect the chosen range of frames, if any
        if self.frames is not None:
            self.timestamps = [self.timestamps[i] for i in self.frames]



data['T_velo_imu'] = self._load_calib_rigid('calib_imu_to_velo.txt')

在您的 文件中搜索这一行,并将该文件替换为 data_path + file 以确保它转到正确的路径。

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