linux - virsh destroy 和 virsh undefine 有什么区别

标签 linux shell terminal virtual-machine

我是服务器新手,想知道 vms 之间的区别

virsh destroy

virsh undefine


The virsh destroy command initiates an immediate ungraceful shutdown and stops the specified guest virtual machine. Using virsh destroy can corrupt guest virtual machine file systems. Use the virsh destroy command only when the guest virtual machine is unresponsive. The virsh destroy command with the --graceful option attempts to flush the cache for the disk image file before powering off the virtual machine.

virsh delete @

The virsh undefine domain command undefines a domain. If domain is inactive, the configuration is removed completely. If the domain is active (running), it is converted to a transient domain. When the guest virtual machine becomes inactive, the configuration is removed completely.

virsh undefine @

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