linux - 为什么我不能在没有 -a 参数的情况下在 ubuntu 上运行 lsb_release?

标签 linux

为什么我不能在没有 -a 参数的情况下在 ubuntu 上运行 lsb_release?因为当我运行 lsb_release 命令时,我收到消息“没有可用的 LSB 模块”。


说明: lsb_release 命令 - 打印您机器上的 linux 发行版。

解决方案:-v(version)在没有参数的情况下是默认的。要观看 linux 发行版的完整信息,请始终使用 -a 标记或 -r 用于版本号。


$lsb_release -a

No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS
Release:    18.04
Codename:   bionic

$lsb_release -r

Release:    18.04


       -v, --version
              Show the version of the LSB against which your current installation is compliant.  The version is expressed as a colon separated list of LSB module descriptions.

       -i, --id
              Display the distributor's ID.

       -d, --description
              Display a description of the currently installed distribution.

       -r, --release
              Display the release number of the currently installed distribution.

       -c, --codename
              Display the code name of the currently installed distribution.

       -a, --all
              Display all of the above information.

       -s, --short
              Use the short output format for any information displayed.  This format omits the leading header(s).

       -h, --help
              Show summary of options.

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