java - 在 KAFKA 中启用 SSL 时出现 SSL 握手错误

标签 java linux rhel7

当我启动生产者推送数据时,我的 SSL 握手失败,做了以下设置:

1. Followed steps as per to create keystore
2.  Started zookeeper with default settings
3.  Made below changes in kafka server properties:
    a.  listeners=SSL://hostName:9092
    b.  ssl.keystore.location =/home/kafka_2.12- 
    c.  ssl.keystore.password =keystore
    d.  ssl.key.password =keystore
    e.  ssl.truststore.location =/home/kafka_2.12- 
    f.  ssl.truststore.password =keystore
    g.  ssl.endpoint.identification.algorithm=HTTPS
    h.  advertised.listeners=SSL://hostName:9092


Command bin/ localhost:2181 <<< "get /brokers/ids/0" gave below output that means broker id 0 was up and listening  on 
Connecting to localhost:2181
Welcome to ZooKeeper!
JLine support is disabled
WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type:None path:null
cZxid = 0x425
ctime = Wed May 29 10:42:34 IST 2019
mZxid = 0x425
mtime = Wed May 29 10:42:34 IST 2019
pZxid = 0x425
cversion = 0
dataVersion = 1
aclVersion = 0
ephemeralOwner = 0x1004d6fe052000a
dataLength = 159
numChildren = 0

但是当我启动 kafka 生产者推送数据时,我在 kafka 服务器控制台上收到 SSL 握手错误

开始生产者 bin/ --broker-list hostName:9092 --topic test3

[2019-05-29 10:45:57,808] INFO [SocketServer brokerId=0] Failed 
authentication with / (SSL handshake failed) 
[2019-05-29 10:45:58,143] INFO [SocketServer brokerId=0] Failed 
authentication with / (SSL handshake failed) 
[2019-05-29 10:45:58,728] INFO [SocketServer brokerId=0] Failed 
authentication with / (SSL handshake failed) 
[2019-05-29 10:45:59,613] INFO [SocketServer brokerId=0] Failed 
authentication with / (SSL handshake failed) 
[2019-05-29 10:46:00,600] INFO [SocketServer brokerId=0] Failed 
authentication with / (SSL handshake failed) 
[2019-05-29 10:46:01,688] INFO [SocketServer brokerId=0] Failed 
authentication with / (SSL handshake failed) 
[2019-05-29 10:46:02,928] INFO [SocketServer brokerId=0] Failed 
authentication with / (SSL handshake failed) 

注意:Kafka broker server 和 producer 在同一台主机上

期望生产者应该将数据推送到在同一本地主机上运行的代理。 来自另一个节点的消费者应该能够消费。 数据应该加密,因为我们启用了 SSL


使用单向握手。 现在通过实现双向握手解决了这个问题

关于java - 在 KAFKA 中启用 SSL 时出现 SSL 握手错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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