javascript - window.innerWidth 与 document.documentElement.clientWidth

标签 javascript html dom standards w3c


  1. Webkit (Chrome/Safari) 声明 innerWidth 小于 clientWidth

  2. Trident 和 Presto 声称 innerWidth 大于 clientWidth

  3. Gecko 声称 innerWidthclientWidth 大小相同。


测试脚本(on JSFiddle)(在 GoogleHost 上):

setInterval(function() {
  var inner_w = window.innerWidth;
  var inner_h = window.innerHeight;
  var client_w = document.documentElement.clientWidth;
  var client_h = document.documentElement.clientHeight;
  var debug_msg = "inner: " + inner_w + "-" + inner_h + "<br>client: " + client_w + "-" + client_h;
  document.getElementById("d").innerHTML = debug_msg;
  document.title = debug_msg; = (client_w === inner_w && client_h === inner_h ? "green" : "red");
}, 60);
<div id="d"></div>



根据 W3C specification (2016 年 3 月 17 日):

The innerWidth attribute must return the viewport width including the size of a rendered scroll bar (if any), or zero if there is no viewport.


The clientWidth attribute must run these steps:

  1. If the element has no associated CSS layout box or if the CSS layout box is inline, return zero.
  2. If the element is the root element and the element's document is not in quirks mode, or if the element is the HTML body element and the element's document is in quirks mode, return the viewport width excluding the size of a rendered scroll bar (if any).
  3. Return the width of the padding edge excluding the width of any rendered scrollbar between the padding edge and the border edge, ignoring any transforms that apply to the element and its ancestors.

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