python - Amazon ec2 python boto,生成并连接到服务器实例,无法通过 ssh 进入生成的实例

标签 python linux amazon-web-services ssh amazon-ec2

我正在生成 Python 代码来分析 Amazon EC2 提供的各种服务器 AMI 的性能。我目前在尝试通过 ssh 进入我生成的实例时遇到问题。我已经通过他们的网络界面成功地完成了,但不能以编程方式。

下面的代码使用以编程方式生成的安全组和 key 对(保存在本地)生成单个红帽 AMI。在实例运行后,我尝试使用保存的 key 对通过 ssh 进入实例(在它被 chmod 400'd 之后)但是 ssh 命令卡住,没有产生任何输出。


#!/usr/bin/env python

import sys
from boto.ec2 import EC2Connection

#Fill in with your respective keys
awsAccessKey = "" 
awsSecretKey = ""

#All AMI instance names from the free tier 
#In the EC2 panel, goto "instances" -> "launch instance" -> "free tier"
amiNameArr = ["ami-bba18dd2","ami-a25415cb","ami-e8084981","ami-ad184ac4","ami-7527031c"]
#Lets just use a varying set of AMI's 
amiDescArr = ["Amazon Linux","Red Hat Enterprise","SUSE Enterprise", 
              "Ubuntu Server 13.10","Microsoft Server 2012"]
#AMI Instance types, physical machine types that the AMIs run on; ti.micro only free one
#In order of optimizations: Micro, General, Memory, Storage, Compute 
amiInstTypesArr = ["t1.micro",

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from time import gmtime, strftime
    sessionStart = strftime("h%Hm%Ms%S", gmtime())
    #Connect to amazon AWS
    print("\nConnectiong to AWS, start time: " + sessionStart)
    awsConn = EC2Connection(awsAccessKey, awsSecretKey)
    connParms = awsConn.get_params()
    print("Connected with access key id: " + str(connParms['aws_access_key_id'])) 

    #Create a key pair for this session
    print("Creating key pair...")
    keyPairName = "AWSAnalysisKeyPair" + sessionStart
    awsKeyPair = awsConn.create_key_pair(keyPairName)"~")
    print("Saved key pair: " + keyPairName)

    #Create a security group for all server instances to use
    print("Creating security group...")
    securityGroupName = "AWSAnalysisSecurityGroup" + sessionStart
    securityGroupDesc = "For access and analysis of programmatically spawned machines"
    awsSecGroup = awsConn.create_security_group(securityGroupName, securityGroupDesc)

    #Start spawning new server instances!
    #For each AMI, create all machine instance types we can
    print("Spawning instances...")
    for amiIndx in range(1, 2): #len(amiNameArr)):
        print("   AMI description: " + str(amiDescArr[amiIndx]))
        for typeIndx in range(0, 1): #len(amiInstTypesArr)):
            print("      starting machine: " + str(amiInstTypesArr[typeIndx]))
                instance_type = amiInstTypesArr[typeIndx],
                security_groups = [securityGroupName],
                key_name = keyPairName,
                max_count = 1

    #We now want to get information about each machine instance so we can analyze it

    #conn.get_all_instances() returns a list of Reservation objects
    from pprint import pprint
    print("All spawned instance information")
    reservations = awsConn.get_all_instances()
    instances = [i for r in reservations for i in r.instances]
    for i in instances:
        #pprint(i.__dict__) #Shows all possible instance info
        print("- id: " + str(i.__dict__['id']) + "\n"
              "   image: " + str(i.__dict__['image_id']) + "\n" + 
              "    type: " + str(i.__dict__['instance_type']) + "\n" + 
              "   state: " + str(i.__dict__['state']) + "\n" )

通过查看在线 EC2 界面,我知道我正在生成一个实例并且它正在运行,而且它具有以编程方式生成的 key 对和与之关联的安全组。鉴于它与这两个相关联,我必须弄清楚我的问题在于我如何构建 key 对和安全组。

我是否正确构建了安全组和 key 对?是否有任何其他原因导致我可能无法通过 SSH 连接到这些实例?

我也知道我尝试使用 ssh 访问机器实例是正确的,因为我可以通过从 Web 界面生成实例并通过 ssh 进入它们来成功地做到这一点。


我刚刚测试了您的脚本 - 事实上 - 它没有按预期工作:-)

首先,它在最后一行崩溃。 “状态”信息现在在名为“_state”的属性中返回。因此,您需要将第 76 行更改为:

  "   state: " + str(i.__dict__['_state']) + "\n" )

其次,您的 key 对、SG 和实例已创建,但如果我们在控制台中查看 SG 定义,您会看到

enter image description here

“来源”是安全组本身的名称。这意味着只有在同一安全组中运行的其他 EC2 实例才能连接到这些端口,而不是您的笔记本电脑。

您不应在 authorize API 调用中添加 SG 对象。下面修改后的代码将执行此操作:



$ ssh -i ~/AWSAnalysisKeyPairh09m55s41.pem ec2-user@
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[ec2-user@ip-10-151-40-134 ~]$ uname -a
Linux ip-10-151-40-134 2.6.32-358.14.1.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Mon Jun 17 15:54:20 EDT 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
[ec2-user@ip-10-151-40-134 ~]$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.4 (Santiago)


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