linux - 使用 grep 命令 Linux 查找文件的行号

标签 linux grep

我必须使用 grep 命令找到没有逗号的 txt 文件的第 250 行。该文件有超过 250 行,但我必须找到第 250 行没有。


Imagine you had a 10 line file and you were looking for the 3rd line that did not contain a comma

Lines 1 and 2 do not have a comma 
lines 3-7 have a comma
Line 8 does not contain a comma 

The answer for this file would be line 8. 


grep -vn "," test.txt

然后查找第 250 行,但随后我执行了以下命令以查看行号是否相同,结果确实如此。

grep -n "this is text from the 250th line"  test.txt 

我不认为应该是这种情况,因为文件的第 250 行 没有 不应该与常规文件的第 250 行在同一行,因为常规文件有很多行中有逗号,所以行号实际上应该更少。




不幸的是,posix 不同意:

$ man grep
# ...
-n, --line-number
  Prefix each line of output with the 1-based line number within its input file.  (-n is specified by POSIX.)    
# ...

你可以做的是将一些 awk 放在:

$ grep -v , text.txt | awk '{ if (NR == 250) { print } }'

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