linux - DMwR linux 缺少软件包

标签 linux r

我有 linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon 64 位,内核 3.13.0-37-generic,我必须将 DMwR 包安装到我的 R 中。当我尝试安装这个包时,我遇到了这个错误:

gcc -std=gnu99 -shared -L/usr/lib/R/lib -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions -Wl,-z,relro -o blkest.o cp.o dgedi.o dgefa.o dgesl.o init.o linbin.o linbin2D.o locpoly.o rlbin.o sdiag.o sstdiag.o -lblas -lgfortran -lm -lquadmath -lgfortran -lm -lquadmath -L/usr/lib/R/lib -lR
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lblas
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [] Error 1
ERROR: compilation failed for package ‘KernSmooth’
* removing ‘/home/benik/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1/KernSmooth’
Warning in install.packages :
  installation of package ‘KernSmooth’ had non-zero exit status
ERROR: dependency ‘KernSmooth’ is not available for package ‘gplots’
* removing ‘/home/benik/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1/gplots’
Warning in install.packages :
  installation of package ‘gplots’ had non-zero exit status
ERROR: dependency ‘gplots’ is not available for package ‘ROCR’
* removing ‘/home/benik/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1/ROCR’
Warning in install.packages :
  installation of package ‘ROCR’ had non-zero exit status
ERROR: dependency ‘ROCR’ is not available for package ‘DMwR’
* removing ‘/home/benik/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1/DMwR’
Warning in install.packages :
  installation of package ‘DMwR’ had non-zero exit status

The downloaded source packages are in



ld 告诉您要安装哪个库时,为什么要谷歌 ;-) 为了能够链接,您通常需要包的 -dev 版本:

apt-get install libblas3-dev

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