JavaScript (Node.js) 仅在 Linux Node 上将字符串内容解释为对象

标签 javascript node.js linux string typeerror

我的 机器人出现问题。我试图让它在 Linux 服务器上运行,但是,Linux 版本的 Node.js 不断将字符串的内容解释为单独的对象,导致以下类型错误:

TypeError: 对象 IT'S ALIVE 没有方法 'startsWith' 在 (/root/Davixxabots/Daru/Darubot.js:182:17) 在 DiscordClient.emit(events.js:106:17) 在 DiscordClient.handleWSMessage (/root/Davixxabots/Daru/node_modules/ 在 WebSocket.emit(events.js:98:17) 在 Receiver.ontext (/root/Davixxabots/Daru/node_modules/ws/lib/WebSocket.js:841:10) 在/root/Davixxabots/Daru/node_modules/ws/lib/Receiver.js:536:18 在 Receiver.applyExtensions (/root/Davixxabots/Daru/node_modules/ws/lib/Receiver.js:371:5) 在/root/Davixxabots/Daru/node_modules/ws/lib/Receiver.js:508:14 在 Receiver.flush (/root/Davixxabots/Daru/node_modules/ws/lib/Receiver.js:347:3) 在 Receiver.opcodes.1.finish (/root/Davixxabots/Daru/node_modules/ws/lib/Receiver.js:541:12)


if (message.toString().startsWith("/gamechange ") && userID == config.ownerID) {

                        //messageSplit = message.split("/gamechange");
                        var messageSplit = message.substring(message.indexOf("/gamechange ")+ 11);

                        if (messageSplit == "" || messageSplit == " ") {

                            bot.setPresence({ game:""});



                            game: messageSplit


                    deleteCmdMessage(channelID, message);
                    log("Changed game to: \" " + messageSplit + ".");


它在 Windows 上运行良好。



"...constantly interprets the contents of a string as a seperate object," Don't know what you mean by that, but since your string doesn't have a startsWith() method, seems like you're just using an old version of node.

正如@squint 在 their comment 中指出的那样,问题是 Node.js 版本过时。

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