
标签 c linux unix fork

所以我试图理解孙辈的概念。 我能够创造给定数量的儿子(即兄弟),但我不知道如何创造多代。 这就是我创造一个孙子所做的:

int main ()
//Displaying the father
printf("Initial : Father = %d\n\n", getpid()); 

/****** FORK *******/

pid_t varFork, varFork2;

varFork = fork();

if(varFork == -1) //If we have an error, we close the process
else if (varFork == 0) //if we have a son, we display it's ID and it's father's
    printf("SON 1\n");
    printf(" ID = %d, Father's ID = %d\n", getpid(), getppid());

    varFork2 = fork();//creation of the second fork

    if(varFork2 == -1) //If we have an error, we close the process
    else if (varFork2 == 0) //now we have the son of the first son, so the grandson of the father
        printf("\nGRANDSON 1\n");
        printf(" ID = %d, Father's ID = %d\n", getpid(), getppid());
    else sleep(0.1);/*we wait 0.1sec so that the father doesn't die before we can 
        display it's id (and before the son process gets adopted by a user process descending from the initial              process)*/  
else //in the other case, we have a father
    sleep(0.1);//again we put the father asleep to avoid adoption
return 0;

如何创建 X 代孙子,X 是一个全局变量(1 个儿子、1 个孙子、1 个曾孙等)?


How can I create X generations

在 fork 之前,递减 X 并继续在 child 内部 fork ,直到 X0

或者在子进程内部递减 X 并且只有在递减 X 之后仍然大于 0 时才继续 fork 。


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <errno.h>

void logmsg(const char *, int);


int main(void)
  pid_t pid = 0;

  for (size_t g = 0; g < MAX_GENERATIONS; ++g)
    logmsg("About to fork.", 0);

    switch (pid = fork())
      case -1:
        logmsg("fork() failed", errno);


      case 0:
        logmsg("Hello world. I am the new child.", 0);


        char s[1024];
        snprintf(s, sizeof s, "Successfully created child carrying PID %d.", (int) pid);
        logmsg(s, 0);
        g = MAX_GENERATIONS; /* Child forked, so we are done, set g to end looping. */


  logmsg("Sleeping for 3s.", 0);

  if (0 != pid) /* In case we forked a child ... */
    logmsg("Waiting for child to end.", 0);
    if (-1 == wait(NULL)) /* ... wait for the child to terminate. */
      logmsg("wait() failed", errno);

  logmsg("Child ended, terminating as well.", 0);

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

void logmsg(const char * msg, int error)
  char s[1024];
  snprintf(s, sizeof s, "PID %d: %s", (int) getpid(), msg);
  if (error)
    errno = error;



PID 4887: About to fork.
PID 4887: Successfully created child carrying PID 4888.
PID 4887: Sleeping for 3s.
PID 4888: Hello world. I am the new child.
PID 4888: About to fork.
PID 4888: Successfully created child carrying PID 4889.
PID 4888: Sleeping for 3s.
PID 4889: Hello world. I am the new child.
PID 4889: About to fork.
PID 4889: Successfully created child carrying PID 4890.
PID 4890: Hello world. I am the new child.
PID 4890: About to fork.
PID 4889: Sleeping for 3s.
PID 4890: Successfully created child carrying PID 4891.
PID 4890: Sleeping for 3s.
PID 4891: Hello world. I am the new child.
PID 4891: Sleeping for 3s.
PID 4888: Waiting for child to end.
PID 4890: Waiting for child to end.
PID 4891: Child ended, terminating as well.
PID 4890: Child ended, terminating as well.
PID 4887: Waiting for child to end.
PID 4889: Waiting for child to end.
PID 4889: Child ended, terminating as well.
PID 4888: Child ended, terminating as well.
PID 4887: Child ended, terminating as well.

与我提出的建议相比,我上面的代码的不同之处在于它向上计数到 X

关于创建多代子进程,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39685961/


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