c - 为什么串口要设置 'no terminal should control the process'选项?

标签 c linux terminal serial-port

fd = open("/dev/ttyUSB0",O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);    
                               /* O_NOCTTY - No terminal will control the process   */



这在 GNU C library 的文档中得到了回答。 :

If the named file is a terminal device, don’t make it the controlling terminal for the process. See Job Control, for information about what it means to be the controlling terminal.

On GNU/Hurd systems and 4.4 BSD, opening a file never makes it the controlling terminal and O_NOCTTY is zero. However, GNU/Linux systems and some other systems use a nonzero value for O_NOCTTY and set the controlling terminal when you open a file that is a terminal device; so to be portable, use O_NOCTTY when it is important to avoid this.

也就是说,由于 USB 串行设备被视为终端,使用标志是您不希望它终端并允许设备启动/停止恰好与给定用户连接的作业(例如,进程)。


关于c - 为什么串口要设置 'no terminal should control the process'选项?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54360113/


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