linux - 指令内存地址是否改变?

标签 linux assembly gdb

我正在使用 gdb 反汇编 my_fun

#    0x7ffff5792a60 <PRIVATE0000000000579168>:  push   %r12
# => 0x7ffff5792a62 <PRIVATE0000000000579168+2>:    push   %r13
#    0x7ffff5792a64 <PRIVATE0000000000579168+4>:    push   %r14

我注意到指令的内存位置,例如0x7ffff5792a60 在不同的 gdb 调试 session 中是相同的。



I notice that the memory location of instructions e.g. 0x7ffff5792a60 is the same in different gdb debug sessions.

这是真的,因为默认情况下 gdb 禁用虚拟地址空间的随机化。您可以尝试使用 set disable-randomization off 启用随机化,您可能会在地址 0x7ffff5792a60 处看到另一条指令。参见 documentation :

set disable-randomization on

This option (enabled by default in GDB) will turn off the native randomization of the virtual address space of the started program. This option is useful for multiple debugging sessions to make the execution better reproducible and memory addresses reusable across debugging sessions.

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