AjaXplorer 连接到数据库

标签 ajax linux authentication pydio

我发现了 AjaXplorer,我想知道是否有关于如何加强数据库之间链接的分步指南我已阅读文件 http://ajaxplorer.info/documentation/developer-documentation/chapter-external-bridge/ 但还是觉得太详细了




    "CONF_DRIVER" => array(
        "NAME"      => "sql",
        "OPTIONS"   => array(
            "SQL_DRIVER"    => array(
                "driver"    => "mysql",
                "host"      => "db_server",
                "database"  => "db_name",
                "user"      => "db_username",
                "password"  => "db_password",

"AUTH_DRIVER" => array(
            "NAME"          => "sql",
            //"NAME" => "remote",
            "OPTIONS"       => array(
            "SLAVE_MODE"  => true,  
                "SQL_DRIVER"    => array(
                                        "driver"    => "mysql",
                                        "host"      => "db_server",
                                        "database"  => "db_name",
                                        "user"      => "db_username",
                                        "password"  => "db_password"

                "LOGIN_URL" => "../login.php",  // The URL to redirect to if a non-logged user tries to access AjaXplorer
                "LOGOUT_URL" => "../logout.php",  // The URL to redirect upon login out
                "SECRET" => "ahmed",// the secret key that you will pass to the glueCode when communicating with it (see below)
                "TRANSMIT_CLEAR_PASS"   => false  // Don't touch this. It's unsafe (and useless here) to transmit clear password.


define("AJXP_EXEC", true);
    $glueCode = "ajaxplorer-core-4.0.4/plugins/auth.remote/glueCode.php";
    $secret = "ahmed";

    // Initialize the "parameters holder"
    global $AJXP_GLUE_GLOBALS;
    $AJXP_GLUE_GLOBALS = array();
    $AJXP_GLUE_GLOBALS["secret"] = $secret;
    $AJXP_GLUE_GLOBALS["plugInAction"] = "login";
    $AJXP_GLUE_GLOBALS["autoCreate"] = false;

    // NOTE THE md5() call on the password field.
    $AJXP_GLUE_GLOBALS["login"] = array("name" => $_POST["login"], "password" => md5($_POST["password"]));

    // NOW call glueCode!


关于AjaXplorer 连接到数据库,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10165453/


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