
标签 c string assembly

我正在开发一个 C 语言程序,它接受一个字符串并通过调用一个用汇编编写的函数打印出相同的字符串。

我的 C 代码是:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>

// These functions will be implemented in assembly:
void strrev(char *str) ;

int main(){
    char *str1;
    str1 = strdup("Hello World");
    printf("str1 reversed: \"%s\"\n", str1) ;
    return 0;

我的 .asm 文件是:

; File: strrev.asm
; A subroutine called from C programs.
; Parameters: string A
; Result: String is reversed and returned.

    SECTION .text
    global strrev
_strrev: nop
    push    ebp
    mov ebp, esp

    ; registers ebx,esi, and edi must be saved if used
    push ebx
    push edi

    xor esi, esi    
    xor eax, eax
    mov ecx, [ebp+8]    ; load the start of the array into ecx
    jecxz   end     ; jump if [ecx] is zero
    ;mov    edi, ecx

    add     eax, 1  ;inc eax would work as well
    add ecx, 1  
    mov dl, [ecx]
    cmp     dl, 0   ; compare current ecx with 0
    je  reverseLoop ;if ecx is 0, we are done
    jmp mainLoop    ;if ecx isnt 0, keep looping

    mov     ecx, [ebp+8]    ;reload the start of the arrary into ecx
    mov esi, ecx    ; esi poinst to start of array
    add ecx, eax
    mov edi, ecx
    dec edi     ;edi points to end of array
    shr eax, 1      ;eax is the count
    jz  end     ;if string is 0 or 1 chars long, jump to end


    mov cl, [esi]   ;load start of array into cl
    mov bl, [edi]   ;load end of array into bl
    mov [esi], bl   ;swap
    mov [edi], al   
    inc esi
    dec edi
    dec eax     ;loop
    jnz reverseLoop_1

    pop     edi     ;restore registers
    pop     ebx         
    mov esp, ebp    ;take down stack frame
    pop ebp


str1 reversed: "dlroW "

在第一个单词之后,第二部分“Hello”被打印为字节(5 个方 block ,每个角都有数字)。什么会导致这种情况?


    mov     ecx, [ebp+8]    ;reload the start of the arrary into ecx
    mov esi, ecx    ; esi points to start of array
    add ecx, eax    ;
    mov edi, ecx    ;
    dec edi         ;edi points to end of array
    shr eax, 1      ;eax is the count
    jz  end         ;if string is 0 or 1 chars long, jump to end

    mov cl, [esi]   ;load start of array into cl
    mov bl, [edi]   ;load end of array into bl
    mov [esi], bl   ;swap
    mov [edi], al   ; AL?!? Should it not be CL?
    inc esi         ;
    dec edi         ; 
    dec eax         ;loop
    jnz reverseLoop_1

在上面,你读入了 CL,然后存储了 AL。

我会这样做,并且完全不检查 eax:

    mov edi, ecx    ;
    dec edi         ;edi points to end of array
    cmp esi, edi    ; when esi >= edi we're done.
    jae finished    ; 
    mov cl, [esi]   ;load start of array into cl
    mov bl, [edi]   ;load end of array into bl
    mov [esi], bl   ;swap
    mov [edi], cl   ;
    inc esi         ;
    dec edi         ;
    jmp reverseLoop_1

关于用C调用汇编代码,输出错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16412938/


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