c - 在C中的链表的末尾或开头添加节点

标签 c linked-list

我正在尝试在 Linux 中使用命名管道创建服务器/客户端程序。 每次客户端连接和验证时,服务器都会将其数据(pid 和密码)存储在链表中。


typedef struct client client, *pno;
struct client
    pid_t pid;
    char password[TAM_MAX];
    pno next;   

int verify_struct(pno cliente_t)
    if (cliente_t == NULL) //verifica se a lista está vazia
        return 1;
        return 0;

    pno AddClient(pno cliente_t, pid_t pid, char password[TAM_MAX]) 
        pno new, aux;
        new = malloc(sizeof(client)); //aloca espaço

        if(new == NULL) //verifica se alocou o espaço com sucesso
                printf("Memory allocation error!\n");
                return cliente_t;

        new->pid = pid;
        strncpy(new->password, password, TAM_MAX-1);

                printf("Should be at start\n");
                cliente_t = new;
                printf("Added at start!\n");
                //insert at end
                printf("Adding in the end!\n");
                aux = cliente_t;
                while(aux->next != NULL)
                    aux = aux->next;
                aux->next = new;
                printf("Added sucssefully!\n");
        return cliente_t;

bool isValidUser(pno cliente,  pid_t pid, char password[TAM_MAX])
    while(cliente != NULL)
            if(cliente->pid == pid && strncmp(password, cliente->password, 100) == 0)
                    return true;
            cliente = cliente -> proximo;
        return false;

    //progam itself :

int main(void)
    pno client=NULL;

    /* --code-- */

                if(request.loggedIn == 0)
                        client=AddClient(client, request.pid, request.password);
                        if(!isValidUser(cliente, perg.pid_cliente, perg.password))
                        //process commands



1st Client -> Should be at start!
           -> Added at start!

2nd Client -> Adding in the end!
           -> segmentation fault (core dumped).


您需要将此行添加到 AddClient

new->next = NULL;

否则 new->next 包含未初始化的内存。稍后当您检查 aux->next != NULL(aux 现在等于之前的 new )时,测试不会评估为真,因为未初始化的内存不会碰巧等于 0。然后您试图找到未初始化内存中的值指向的另一个节点。它可能包含实际上不是合法内存地址的数据,因此是段错误。

关于c - 在C中的链表的末尾或开头添加节点,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17056060/


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