c - 在 ansi c 中读取和格式化文本文件

标签 c io

我正在学习 C 和它在文本文件中读取的任务之一,并让它输出格式化的文本文件。最终产品应如下所示:

1)"I must not fear.[4,17]
2)Fear is the mind-killer.[4,24]
3)Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.[8,56]
4)I will face my fear.[5,20]
13 lines, 94 words, 481 characters
Line 10 has the most words (16)
Line 7 has the most characters (68)


I must not fear0.) 
[4, 16]
ear is the mind-killer.0) 
[7 39]
ear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.0) 
[14 92]
[86 470] 
1 lines, 20360 words, 110685 characters
line 1 has the most words with (86)
line 1 has the most characters with 470)    

它从哪里获得 110685 个字符超出了我的范围。那么,话虽如此,我做错了什么?据我所知,我已经正确设置了所有变量,但输出顺序错误,第一个字符被截断,并且计数被 wayyyy 关闭。任何帮助深表感谢!这是我的代码:

#include <stdio.h>

#define IN 1
#define OUT 0

void main() {

  int c = 0;
  int numChars = 0;
  int numWords = 0;
  int numLines = 0;
  int state = OUT;
  int test = 0;
  int largestNumChars = 0;
  int largestNumWords = 0;
  int totalNumChars = 0; 
  int totalNumWords = 0;
  int lineWithMostChars = 0;
  int lineWithMostWords = 0;

  FILE *doesthiswork = fopen("testWords.in", "r");
  while ((test = fgetc(doesthiswork)) != EOF) {
    if ( test == '\n') {
    while ((test = fgetc(doesthiswork)) != '\n') {    
        if (test == ' ' || test == '\t' || test == '\n') {      
          state = OUT;
        } else if (state == OUT){
          state = IN;
        totalNumWords = totalNumWords + numWords;
        totalNumChars = totalNumChars + numChars;    

     if (largestNumChars == 0)  {
       largestNumChars = numChars;
     } else if (largestNumChars < numChars) {
       largestNumChars = numChars;
       lineWithMostChars = numLines;
     } else  {
       largestNumChars = largestNumChars;
       lineWithMostChars = lineWithMostChars;

     if (largestNumWords == 0)  {
       largestNumWords = numWords;
       lineWithMostWords = numLines;
     } else if (largestNumWords < numWords) {
       largestNumWords = numWords;
       lineWithMostWords = lineWithMostWords;
     } else {
       largestNumWords = largestNumWords;

     printf("%d) %c [%d %d]\n",numLines, test, numWords, numChars);

   printf("%d lines, %d words, %d characters\n", 
     numLines, totalNumWords, totalNumChars);
   printf("line %d has the most words with (%d)\n", 
     lineWithMostWords, largestNumWords);
   printf("line %d has the most characters with (%d)\n", 
     lineWithMostChars, largestNumChars);  


好吧,首字母的去向是您通过第一个 fgetc 调用读取它们,但您不像使用第二次 fgetc 调用。

totalNumChars 如此之大,因为您定期向其中添加 numChars,但您永远不会将 numChars 重置为零。


关于c - 在 ansi c 中读取和格式化文本文件,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25597737/


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