
标签 android c eclipse

尝试从 Eclipse 启动 Android 模拟器时出现以下错误:

[2013-01-03 15:10:28 - Emulator] PANIC: Could not open: test


[2011-07-10 15:32:26 - Emulator] PANIC: Could not open:C:\Users\Sam\.android/avd/Android2.1.ini

哪里,ini 文件给出了错误。因此,mklink 的解决方案不适用于我的情况。

在我的例子中,test 是应用程序名称。

PS:我使用的是 Windows 7


I have seen the following solution somewhere.
Try this..

1) Create a environment variable called: ANDROID_SDK_HOME and set it to C:\Users\Administrator
2) Open Eclipse > Window > Preferences and click in Run/Debug and String Substitution
3) Add a new variable called: user.home and set it to C:\Users\Administrator
4) Create an AVD and run it.

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