c - 逐行读取文件并在 C 中使用 strtok()

标签 c strtok


stage 1
num_nodes 2
nonce 234567

我需要分别标记行中的每个值,例如在第一行“阶段”用于检查我是否已从配置文件中读取阶段值,然后将其值保存在变量中。我的标记化似乎工作正常。但是,当我在标记化后尝试操作我的变量时,它会给我一个段错误。我最多只能成功地操纵其中一个变量,即 stage 或 num_nodes 或 nonce,但不能是它们的组合。即使尝试做类似的事情

stage = stage + 1;
num_nodes = num_nodes + 1;


num_nodes = num_nodes + 1;


main(int argc, char *argv[]){
  int nonce;
  int num_nodes;
  int stage; 
  char filename[256];   
  char *token1, *token2, *str;  
  FILE* fp;
  char bufr[MAXLINE];  

  printf("Please enter config file name\n");
  printf("You entered %s\n", filename);

  if((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL){

        while(fgets(bufr, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL){
            if(bufr[0] == '#') // to skip comments

            printf("This is bufr: %s",  bufr);
            str = bufr;

              for(str;  ;str = NULL){
                token1 = strtok(str, " ");

                if(strcmp(token2, "num_nodes") == 0){
                    num_nodes = atoi(token1); 
                    printf("num_nodes = %d\n", num_nodes);

                if(strcmp(token2, "nonce") == 0){
                    nonce = atoi(token1);
                    printf("nonce = %d\n", nonce);

                if(strcmp(token2, "stage") == 0){
                    stage = atoi(token1);
                    printf("stage = %d\n", stage);

                token2 = token1; // making a copy of pointer

                if(str == NULL){
          }//end of for loop

        }//end of while loop
        fclose(fp); //close the file handle
        printf("failed, file not found!\n");

/*      This is where the segmentation fault kicks in, try to uncomment two lines and it will give a segmentation fault, if uncomment just one, then it works fine.
    nonce = nonce + 2;  
    num_nodes = num_nodes + 1;
    printf("stage = %d\n", stage);



token1 = strtok(str, " ");

if (strcmp(token2, "num_nodes") == 0){
    num_nodes = atoi(token1); 
    printf("num_nodes = %d\n", num_nodes);

您刚刚设置了token1,但是您继续比较token2?这可能会导致核心转储,至少在第一次从未设置 token2 时是这样。


这是您的代码的一个清理过的、不会让我崩溃的版本。您的原件还不错,但 token2 的不确定状态令人担忧。一个版本的输出包括如下信息:

Please enter config file name
You entered config.file
This is bufr: # Comment
This is bufr: 
This is bufr: stage 1
token1 = <<stage>>; token2 = <<>>
token1 = <<1
>>; token2 = <<stage>>
stage = 1
This is bufr: num_nodes 2
token1 = <<num_nodes>>; token2 = <<des>>
token1 = <<2
>>; token2 = <<num_nodes>>
num_nodes = 2
This is bufr: nonce 234567
token1 = <<nonce>>; token2 = <<67
token1 = <<234567
>>; token2 = <<nonce>>
nonce = 234567
This is bufr: 
stage = 1

注意 token2 中残留的碎片。我在下面的代码中进一步清理了它:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

enum { MAXLINE = 4096 };

int main(void)
    int nonce = -1;
    int num_nodes = -1;
    int stage = -1;
    char filename[256];
    char *token1, *token2, *str;
    FILE *fp;
    char bufr[MAXLINE];

    printf("Please enter config file name\n");
    scanf("%s", filename);
    printf("You entered %s\n", filename);

    if ((fp = fopen(filename, "r")) == NULL)
        printf("failed, file not found!\n");

    while (fgets(bufr, MAXLINE, fp) != NULL)
        printf("This is bufr: %s", bufr);
        if (bufr[0] == '#' || bufr[0] == '\n')

        token2 = "";
        for (str = bufr; (token1 = strtok(str, " \n\t")) != 0; str = NULL)
            printf("token1 = <<%s>>; token2 = <<%s>>\n", token1, token2);
            if (strcmp(token2, "num_nodes") == 0) {
                num_nodes = atoi(token1);
                printf("num_nodes = %d\n", num_nodes);
            if (strcmp(token2, "nonce") == 0) {
                nonce = atoi(token1);
                printf("nonce = %d\n", nonce);
            if (strcmp(token2, "stage") == 0) {
                stage = atoi(token1);
                printf("stage = %d\n", stage);

            token2 = token1;

            if (str == NULL)    /* Terminate after name/value */


    nonce = nonce + 2;
    num_nodes = num_nodes + 1;
    printf("stage = %d\n", stage);
    printf("nonce = %d\n", nonce);
    printf("nodes = %d\n", num_nodes);


此代码使用命令行在 Mac OS X 10.8.5 和 GCC 4.8.1 上干净地编译:

gcc -O3 -g -std=c11 -Wall -Wextra -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wold-style-definition cfg.c -o cfg

给定一个名为 config.file 的输入文件:

# Comment

stage 1
num_nodes 2
nonce 234567


Please enter config file name
You entered config.file
This is bufr: # Comment
This is bufr: 
This is bufr: stage 1
token1 = <<stage>>; token2 = <<>>
token1 = <<1>>; token2 = <<stage>>
stage = 1
This is bufr: num_nodes 2
token1 = <<num_nodes>>; token2 = <<>>
token1 = <<2>>; token2 = <<num_nodes>>
num_nodes = 2
This is bufr: nonce 234567
token1 = <<nonce>>; token2 = <<>>
token1 = <<234567>>; token2 = <<nonce>>
nonce = 234567
This is bufr: 
stage = 1
nonce = 234569
nodes = 3

关于c - 逐行读取文件并在 C 中使用 strtok(),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18939449/


c - 如何仅在 C 中更新打印输出中的值?

c - malloc() 是如何在内部实现的?

c - strtok 中的可变长度

c - 使用 strtok() 在 c 中将字符串标记两次


c - 在 C 中“动态”使用变量?

c - 将结构传递给 c 中的函数时出错

c - 如何在 for 循环中使用 strtok()?

c - 使用 strtok 标记数字列表的程序中的错误 0Xc0000005

C-Array of Pointers 不同的索引方式