c - 如何重复执行一组操作?

标签 c loops return repeat


你最喜欢什么颜色? 1. 蓝色 2.绿色 3.黄色



你最喜欢什么颜色? 1. 蓝色 2.绿色 3.黄色


#include <stdio.h>

int main (void)
   printf("\nIntroducing Space\n"); 
   printf("Brought to you in part by Free Time\n\n\n");
   while(1) {   
       int space;
       int subspace1;
       int subspace2;
       printf("What would you like to do in Space?\n");
       printf("1. What is space?\n");
       printf("2. Tell me how cool I am\n");
       printf("Enter the number to your desired space\n");
       scanf("%i", &space);
       if (space == 2){
           printf("Although I have never met you, anyone in space would be considered    cool to the average eye. I mean lets be real, its space.\n\n");
           printf("Do you have any interesting hobbies or tidbits about yourself?\n\n");
           printf("1. I can play the flute blindfolded\n");
           printf("2. I can eat twelve pounds of salt water taffy in one sitting\n");
           printf("3. My uncle drives an RV\n");
           scanf("%i", &subspace2);
           if (subspace2 == 1) {
              printf("\n The flute huh? You're somethin' else\n");
           if (subspace2 == 2) {
              printf("\n But let's be honest who likes salt water taffy these days anyway?\n");
           if (subspace2 == 3) {
              printf("\n An RV? Now adays they call that 'homeless' but hey whatever floats your boat chief\n");
   return 0;




while(1) {
    //ask question 
    if (answer == 'q') //quit
       //exit from the loop, e.g.: break or return

关于c - 如何重复执行一组操作?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20553088/


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