c - 如何优化C代码: looking for the next set bit and finding sum of corresponding array elements

标签 c performance optimization


我所做的与两个 vector 的点积非常相似,但还是有区别的。我有两个 vector :一个位 vector 和一个相同长度的 float vector 。所以我需要计算总和: float[0]*bit[0]+float[1]*bit[1]+..+float[N-1]*bit[N-1],但与经典点积的区别在于我需要在每个设置位之后跳过一些固定数量的元素。


vector of floats = {1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.5, 1.0}
vector of bits   = {1, 0, 1, 0, 1 }
nSkip = 2


sum = floats[0]*bits[0]
bits[0] == 1, so skipping 2 elements (at positions 1 and 2)
sum = sum + floats[3]*bits[3]
bits[3] == 0, so no skipping
sum = sum + floats[4]*bits[4]
result = 1.5*1+4.5*0+1.0*1 = 2.5

以下代码使用不同的数据被多次调用,因此我需要优化它以在我的 Core i7 上尽可能快地运行(我不太关心与其他任何东西的兼容性)。做了一定程度的优化,还是很慢,不知道如何进一步改进。 位数组实现为 64 位无符号整数数组,它允许我使用 bitscanforward 查找下一个设置位。


unsigned int i = 0;
float fSum = 0;
  unsigned int nAddr = i / 64;
  unsigned int nShift = i & 63;
  unsigned __int64 v = bitarray[nAddr] >> nShift;
  unsigned long idx;
  if (!_BitScanForward64(&idx, v))
  i+= idx;
  fSum  += floatarray[i];
  i+= nSkip;
}   while(i<nEnd);

Profiler 显示 3 个最慢的热点:

1. v = bitarray[nAddr] >> nShift (memory access with shift)
2. _BitScanForward64(&idx, v) 
3. fSum += floatarray[i]; (memory access)

但可能有不同的方法来做到这一点。我正在考虑在位 vector 中的每个设置位之后重置 nSkip 位,然后计算经典的点积 - 还没有尝试但老实说不相信它会随着更多的内存访问而变得更快。


您在循环内有太多操作。您也只有一个循环,因此每个标志字(64 位无符号整数)确实需要发生的许多操作额外发生了 63 次。





我注意到我之前的建议有一个错误。由于这里除以 64,即 2 的幂,这实际上不是一个昂贵的操作,但我们仍然需要尽可能多地在循环之外进行操作。

/* this is completely untested, but incorporates the optimizations
   that I outlined as well as a few others.
   I process the arrays backwards, which allows for elimination of
   comparisons of variables against other variables, which is much
   slower than comparisons of variables against 0, which is essentially
   free on many processors when you have just operated or loaded the
   value to a register.
   Going backwards at the bit level also allows for the possibility that
   the compiler will take advantage of the comparison of the top bit
   being the same as test for negative, which is cheap and mostly free
   for all but the first time through the inner loop (for each time
   through the outer loop.
double acc = 0.0;

unsigned i_end = nEnd-1;
unsigned i_bit;
int i_word_end;

if (i_end == 0)
     return acc;
i_bit = i_end % 64;
i_word = i_end / 64;

    unsigned __int64 v = bitarray[i_word_end];
    unsigned i_upper = i_word_end << 64;
    while (v)
         if (v & 0x80000000000000)
              // The following code is semantically the same as
              // unsigned i = i_bit_end + (i_word_end * sizeof(v));
              unsigned i = i_bit_end | i_upper;
              acc += floatarray[i];
         v <<= 1;
     i_bit_end = 63;
} while (i_word_end >= 0);

关于c - 如何优化C代码: looking for the next set bit and finding sum of corresponding array elements,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30742133/


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