c - 一个接一个地打印一个文件的句子

标签 c

我有一个包含 4 个段落的文本文件 (input.txt),我必须将这些段落的句子一个接一个地写在另一个文件 (output.txt) 中(以换行符分隔)。


我已经做到了,但是我的代码有问题。 output.txt文件中有些句子没有换行


while(1) {
    c = fgetc(fp);
    if( feof(fp) ) {

    c_next = fgetc(fp);

    if( feof(fp) ) {
      fprintf(fp_output, "%c", c);
    } else {
      if( c=='.' || c=='?' || c=='!' ) {
        fprintf(fp_output, "%c\n", c);
      } else {
        if( c=='\n' ) {
          fprintf(fp_output, "%c", c_next);
        } else if( c_next=='\n' ) {
          fprintf(fp_output, "%c ", c);
        } else {
          fprintf(fp_output, "%c%c", c, c_next);




This is the first sentence. The second one contains some more words, other words,
more words, etc. The third sentence has; and more like: this, that, those.

This is the second paragraph. And now a question? Only an exclamative
sentence is missing!

This is the third paragraph. Another component - word - would be this.
The final sentence of the paragraph!

This is the last paragraph.


This is the first sentence.
The second one contains some more words, other words, more words, etc. The third sentence has; and more like: this, that, those.
This is the second paragraph.
And now a question?
Only an exclamative sentence is missing!
This is the third paragraph. Another component - word - would be this.The final sentence of the paragraph!
This is the last paragraph.






  1. 仅经过轻微测试
  2. 干净地编译
  3. 忽略多个句尾标记,即使用空格分隔也是如此
  4. 忽略换行序列
  5. 忽略句子前的空白


#include <stdio.h>  // fopen(), fclose(), fgetc(), putchar()
#include <ctype.h>  // isalpha()
#include <stdlib.h> // exit(), EXIT_FAILURE

#define PERIOD (',')
#define QUESTION_MARK ('?')
#define EXCLAMATION_MARK ('!')

int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
    if( 2 > argc )
        fprintf( stderr, "USAGE: %s <inputFileName>\n", argv[0] );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    // implied else, command line parameter exists

    FILE *fp = NULL;
    if( NULL == (fp = fopen( argv[1], "r" ) ) )
        perror( "fopen failed" );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );

    // implied else, fopen successful

    int inSentence = 0;
    int ch;
    while( EOF != (ch = fgetc( fp ) ) )
        if( inSentence )
            putchar( ch );
            if( PERIOD == ch || EXCLAMATION_MARK == ch || QUESTION_MARK == ch)
                inSentence = 0;
                putchar( '\n' );

        else // if( !inSentence )
            if( isalpha( ch ) )
            { // then not white space nor more punctuation
                inSentence = 1;
                putchar( ch );
    } // end while

    // cleanup
    if( inSentence )
        putchar( '\n' );

    fclose( fp );
} // end function: main

关于c - 一个接一个地打印一个文件的句子,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40944947/


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