c - C中链表的链表

标签 c linked-list

我正在做一个项目,想知道我是否可以创建一个链表的链表。 我想在 C 中创建一个新类型 person,其中每个 person 都可以有 kids child 的列表,而且每个 都有 parent ,他们也是s.所以我正在考虑使用结构和链表来做到这一点。

#include <stdio.h>

struct person {
unsigned int id;    //identity,unique for every person
char* name;
struct person **father;
struct person **mother;
struct kids **kids;

struct kids {
struct person **kid;
struct kids **next_kid;



是的,您可以有列表的列表,下面显示了一个示例,一个 child 列表,每个 child 都有自己的玩具列表。

首先是两类对象( child 和玩具)的相关头文件和结构:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef struct sToy {
    char name[50];
    struct sToy *next;
} tToy;

typedef struct sChild {
    char name[50];
    tToy *firstToy;
    struct sChild *next;
} tChild;


void *chkMalloc (size_t sz) {
    void *mem = malloc (sz);

    // Just fail immediately on error.

    if (mem == NULL) {
        printf ("Out of memory! Exiting.\n");
        exit (1);

    // Otherwise we know it worked.

    return mem;



void addChild (tChild **first, char *name) {
    // Insert new item at start.

    tChild *newest = chkMalloc (sizeof (*newest));
    strcpy (newest->name, name);
    newest->next = *first;
    *first = newest;

void addToy (tChild *first, char *name) {
    // Insert at start of list.

    tToy *newest = chkMalloc (sizeof (*newest));
    strcpy (newest->name, name);
    newest->next = first->firstToy;
    first->firstToy = newest;


void dumpDetails (tChild *currChild) {
    // For every child.

    while (currChild != NULL) {
        printf ("%s has:\n", currChild->name);

        // For every toy that child has.

        tToy *currToy = currChild->firstToy;
        if (currToy == NULL) {
            printf ("   <<nothing>>\n");
        } else {
            while (currToy != NULL) {
                printf ("   %s\n", currToy->name);
                currToy = currToy->next;
        currChild = currChild->next;


int main (void) {
    tChild *firstChild = NULL;

    addChild (&firstChild, "Anita");
        addToy (firstChild, "skipping rope");
    addChild (&firstChild, "Beth");
    addChild (&firstChild, "Carla");
        addToy (firstChild, "model car");
        addToy (firstChild, "trampoline");

    dumpDetails (firstChild);

    return 0;


Carla has:
   model car
Beth has:
Anita has:
   skipping rope

关于c - C中链表的链表,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27768334/


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