javascript - Angular 的 $q.reject() 与 deferred.reject()

标签 javascript angularjs promise

我正在尝试处理 Angular $q 服务及其相关对象和 API。当我查看控制台中的对象时,我看到:

var deferred = $q.defer()

...(and then from console inspection)...

$q: Object {defer: function, reject: function, when: function, all: function}

deferred: Object {resolve: function, reject: function, notify: function, promise: Object}

deferred.promise: Object {then: function, catch: function, finally: function}


  1. $q.reject()deferred.reject() 有什么区别?什么时候使用它们?
  2. deferred.promise.then(successFn,​​ errorFn) 中的errorFndeferred 中的catchFn 是什么关系。 promise.catch(catchFn)?
  3. 如果我有一堆嵌套的 promise 并且发生错误,最外层的 catch() 函数是否总是被调用?如果其中一个嵌套的 promise 也定义了 catch 函数怎么办?该 catch 会阻止最外层的 catch 执行吗?



1) $q.reject() 是创建deferred然后立即reject的快捷方式;如果我无法处理错误,我经常在 errorFn 中使用它。

2) 没什么,promise.catch(errorFn)只是promise.then(null, errorFn)的语法糖,就像$http 服务,所以你可以编写如下代码:

        // handle success
        return result;
    }, function errorHandler1(error){
        // handle error, exactly as if this was a separate catch in the chain.

    }).catch(function errorHandler2(error){
        // handle errors from errorHandler1

3) 这正是 $q.reject 可以派上用场的地方:

       //Decide you can't handle the error
       return $q.reject(error); //This forwards the error to the next error handler;
       // Here you may handle the error or reject it again.
       return 'An error occurred'; 
       //Now other errorFn in the promise chain won't be called, 
       // but the successFn calls will.
       // This will never be called because the previous catch handles all errors.
       //This will always be called with either the result of promise if it was successful, or 
       //'An error occured' if it wasn't

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